metroid dread


  • OG Switch and OLED model

    As the Nintendo Switch turns five, a look back at our favorite games

    The Nintendo Switch just turned five, so join us as we reminisce about our favorite titles for the handheld system.

  • Metroid Dread

    'Metroid Dread' reminded me why Metroid is an essential series

    Nathan Ingraham
    Nathan Ingraham

    Metroid Dread is the first all-new game in the Metroid series since 2010, and it's an ideal example of what makes these games so memorable.

  • Samus Aran in a save point

    Nintendo Switch OLED review: Beautiful, but not a must-have

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    The Switch OLED improves the original console in a lot of ways, but it might be too little, too late.

  • Metroid Dread

    ‘Metroid Dread’ had me screaming my head off

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    The new 2D Metroid game will have you running for your life... a lot.

  • Samus Aran on Nintendo Switch OLED

    The Switch OLED is a strong contender for most gorgeous handheld ever

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    The screen of the upcoming Switch OLED is truly lovely.

  • Metroid Dread

    New 'Metroid Dread' trailer is full of things for Samus to fight

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Take a peek at her abilities and the goodies you'll receive for tapping Amiibo.

  • Metroid Dread gameplay

    Latest ‘Metroid Dread’ gameplay trailer shows off new moves and a new enemy

    Nathan Ingraham
    Nathan Ingraham

    Nintendo surprise-announced Metroid Dread, the fifth mainline game in the series, at E3 this year. Part of the surprise was that it was arriving this year, October 8th to be precise. Now, with just over a month before it arrives, Nintendo has released a new trailer for Metroid Dread, which might be our last look at the game before launch. Of course, this trailer isn't as detailed as the 20 minutes of gameplay Nintendo showed off at E3, but it still shows off a lot of what to expect when Metroid Dread arrives.

  • Metroid Dread

    'Metroid Dread' is a dark rebirth for Samus Aran

    Aaron Souppouris
    Aaron Souppouris

    Metroid Dread is Nintendo's first "proper" Metroid game in almost two decades. Producer Yoshio Sakamoto explains what to expect.

  • Breath of the Wild sequel

    Watch Nintendo's E3 2021 Direct in 12 minutes

    Igor Bonifacic
    Igor Bonifacic

    If you missed Nintendo's E3 2021 Direct, not to worry. We got you covered with a 12-minute cut of everything the company announced.

  • Metroid Dread concept is something Sakamoto 'can't say never existed'

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Immediately following his well-attended GDC panel, Nintendo's Yoshio Sakamoto talked with us about (what else?) Metroid: Other M. In addition to all sorts of questions on the unique Team Ninja collaboration, we asked Sakamoto about the long-rumored Metroid Dread project and, barring a confirmation of that product, when we'd see another 2D handheld Metroid. Joystiq: Speaking of the core Metroid development team that last worked on the GBA, there have been rumors of a game known as 'Metroid Dread' – purportedly a 2D Metroid game for DS. First question: Was 'Dread' a real project? Second question: If not, where is a 2D Metroid on DS? Yoshio Sakamoto: It seems we get a lot of questions about Metroid Dread, especially at interviews following E3 for example. But nothing's ever been announced about this game; it's all just been rumors so far. So we never know exactly how to respond to questions like this. While there actually was a point where some teams were meeting to discuss if it was possible to create a 2D Metroid for DS using a relatively small team size, it's not something that we ever really announced or thought of as "Metroid Dread." But whenever people bring out that idea, we recognize that the basic concept is something that we can't say never existed. But at the same time, we can't of course, make any official comment about a Metroid Dread-like project coming out. Our main goal [with Metroid: Other M] is to, as I said earlier, first raise knowledge about the Metroid universe and the Samus character before we start to introduce different elements like online or even going back to another handheld game for the next in the series. So there's nothing coming immediately, we want to think about these new challenges first. But, of course, we never say never.

  • We mourn the passing of Metroid Dread (kinda)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    During an interview with Mark Pacini and Todd Keller, Stepehen Totilo over at MTV grilled them about this whole Metroid Dread business. And, in award-winning fashion, the duo did little to sway our hopes for the project to see the light of day. Instead, they said it wasn't going to happen, but not exactly.In response to the question regarding Metroid Dread's existence, Pacini said "It's not what you think it means... it was something that was overlooked and wasn't in any way indicating anything about the handheld game. We know no information about the handheld games." Once Totilo grills him more, he further adds "We actually had a fictional element of something else in the game that by a large coincidence could be read that we were giving a hint about "Metroid Dread" which was not the case. It's a complete and utter coincidence."Then, interestingly enough, Pacini comments "That's all I can say on it." This, of course, lends more fuel to your hopeful fire, as it does ours, but considering that Hunters were referenced in the first Metroid Prime title, which then became a handheld game, we're willing to believe.What do you think?

  • No new Metroid games for DS this year?

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Showing some true 1up-manship, Jeremy Parish has updated his blog with tantalizing non-details about a secret, pre-E3 Nintendo DS press event. Like all of the attending journalists, Parish was allowed to experience some new DS titles ("pretty cool surprises")  at the cost of having to keep his opinions bottled up until Nintendo yanks the cork out. Expect the yanking to occur as soon as E3 is upon us.Parish does share one minor detail, though. There wasn't a single new Metroid game. If you had any dreams of playing a traditional, 2D Metroid game on the DS, consider them decisively stomped to teeny, unrecognizable smithereens. At least for now. It's not that I don't like Hunters--it's just that I tend to prefer exploring an intricate network of ancient ruins to repeatedly shooting menacing bounty hunters in the face. Chalk that up to a deranged childhood, if you want.[Via 4cr]