

  • Namco-Bandai reveals Quickspot

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Hot off the press wire, word comes to us that Namco-Bandai has a new game in the works for the DS called Quickspot. Releasing this Spring, the game is to be a full-on compare-and-contrast game. See, the two screens are to display almost identical images, and the player must circle the differences on the touch-screen. Makoto Iwai, Executive Vice President and COO at NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. goes on to say Quickspot "offers hours of fun for those with quick minds and fast reflexes as it takes a simple concept and turns it into an exciting and addicting brain game perfectly suited for gamers on the go." Personally, we worry if the game will have enough depth, as the release states it will contain only three single player modes, which include Rapid Play (5 levels each containing 10 stages) , Focus Mode (140 different pictures with 10 differences each) and Today's Fortune (provides health, study, romance and money fortune for the day). We've included several screenshots past the post break.[Via press release]

  • DS taking Time's Gadget of the Year race by storm

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    In the spirit of races today, we were surprised to see our favorite system included in a long list of fancy gizmos featured in Time Magazine's Gadget of the Year contest. The DS has some pretty tough competition -- Apple MacBook Pro, Palm Trio 700w. Last we checked, the DS was winning with a whopping 59% with the next in line only carrying 27% of the votes. So, we encourage you to vote for your favorite gadget (meaning the DS of course). Wouldn't want the Nintendo mafia knocking on your door .... [Via Joystiq]

  • The Legend of Spyro: New Beginning video

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Spyro is the type of purple creature we enjoy. He is way better than his ugly cousin, Barney. Yes, six year old boys and girls, we don't like Barney. We weren't loved enough as children. Because Spyro is our favorite flying purple people eater dragon around, we are thrilled to see his adventures continue. Don't get too excited about the video though. It only shows a lot of Spyro hopping around, doing non-exciting dragon things. Still, we find The Legend of Zelda Spyro: New Beginning worth keeping track of.

  • Saucy gals airbrushed on a DS Lite

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Forget that Zelda, Bowser, tank DS mod! Turn away from a rainbow of replacement shells. Airbrush hot chicks on your DS instead! Genius! No doubt this artist had practiced airbrushing before. If not, that sure would suck to have to spend another $130. We expect he will be getting calls from Johnny-12-year-old asking him to do the same for his DS. [Via QJ Net]