

  • Hothead sheds more light on the death of Penny Arcade Adventures

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Back when the discontinuation of the Penny Arcade Adventures series was first announced, Team PA explained that the decision was made due to the team's concern about developer Hothead being forced to split attention between PAA and then-recently-announced DeathSpank. As PA writer Jerry Holkins told it: "I think they could've made DeathSpank and Episode 3 but I think Episode 3 would've suffered. I mean, I know it would have suffered. So we'd rather not do it than do it half-assed and so we're going to finish that story but it's going to be on our website."Today, in an interview with Eurogamer, Hothead director of technology Joel DeYoung laid a little more blame at the feet of Holkins, implying that Tycho's alter ego had trouble keeping up with the workload required. "I think he really struggled to get the volume of text written for Episode 1, and then with Episode 2 coming out so quickly thereafter - it was five-and-a-half months," DeYoung said. "That was not worked on in parallel, and getting him to deliver that text was, er, frankly quite a struggle."This revelation comes a few days after Hothead erroneously teased that Episode 3 would be produced if the first two sold well on the Mac App Store, a notion that PA artist Mike Krahulik quickly batted down on Twitter.Though we may never know the real cause behind Episode 3's termination, whether it's Penny Arcade or Hothead that had too much on its plate, we'd imagine the truth, as is usually the case in situations like these, hovers somewhere in between.

  • Penny Arcade Adventures tearing up Mac App Store charts, Ep. 3 still unlikely

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Just four days after the launch of the Mac App Store, some developers are finding unexpected success. The first two episodes of Hothead Games' truncated Penny Arcade Adventures trilogy are currently ranking high in the bestselling apps chart at number 21 and 56, respectively (and certainly boosted by their $4 sale prices). This prompted the developer to tweet, "We're thrilled that Precipice of Darkness has been doing well on the Mac App Store!"While that was heartening, it was the now-pulled followup tweet (screen-capped above) that raised eyebrows: "For those of you that want PA Episode 3, all you need to do is get 100,000 of your friends to buy 1&2. Seriously. Do that and we'll make it," a Hothead staffer wrote. Turns out that's not quite the case."That's certainly news to me!" Penny Arcade biz dude Robert Khoo told Joystiq, adding, "there's nothing new to say about future [episodes]." Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik responded to Hothead's tweet, stating simply, "that's actually not true."

  • PSN Thursday: Super Puzzle Fighter price drops, Penny Arcade Adventures gets bundled up

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The PSN update this week is casual. You know, nothing big, but not bad. There are some deals, like the seriously reduced Penny Arcade Adventures bundle. It has a couple neat demos, like Just Cause 2. Oh, oh, and there's a new episode of The Tester. We know you're loving that, but not as much as you're loving Ru Paul's Drag Race (confess!). It's a T-shirt and jeans kind of update this week. Check out the full PSN update after the break. Choose your platform to view the corresponding release list: (Note: Continue past the break to view both release lists.)

  • XBLM Deal of the Week: Penny Arcade - Episode 2

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    In celebration of the upcoming Penny Arcade Expo, this week's Xbox Live Marketplace Deal of the Week is none other than Gabe & Tycho's second adventure: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two. Normally 1200 ($15 USD), the Hothead Games' episodic RPG has been reduced to 800 ($10 USD) in Microsoft funny-money.The sale also begs the question, "Where da heck is Penny Arcade: Episode Three?!" Hopefully Hothead Games and the guys at Penny Arcade will be able to tell us all about the next game in the series when PAX 2009 kicks off on Friday, September 4. Make sure to keep refreshing Joystiq all weekend long as a slew of our minions will be on hand for the community friendly event.Queue up the XBLM Deal of the Week: Penny Arcade - Episode 2%Gallery-31010%

  • Incoming Xbox Deals of the Week: Lost and Damned, Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 2

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    How often is the Xbox Live Deal of the Week actually exciting? Not this week, at least, but it will be this month! On August 24, Microsoft will offer something pretty tempting: Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned for 1200 ($15), 5 bucks off the normal asking price for the Grand Theft Auto IV expansion. If you're the guy who bought GTA IV on 360 but hasn't picked this up yet -- and you don't want to wait for Episodes from Liberty City -- now's a great time to pick up a new set of missions to give up on halfway through the game, in favor of just doing awesome bike jumps. The announcement also reveals that a deal for Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 2 is incoming, so ... you know, don't buy it yet. Also, a Halo 3 Dashboard theme that you really don't need to buy ever.

  • PSN Thursday: Commandos crash over the rain-slick precipice

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The Crash Commandos land this week on the PSN, along with Penny Arcade Adventures Ep. 2. If you're looking to whip up something a little more old-school, check out Castlevania Chronicles. There are also several pieces of new DLC for your favorite music games to keep you rockin' through the holidays. And don't overlook the "Complete My Game, Please" add-on pack for Super Stardust Portable. The complete North American PSN update can be found after the break. PS3 Fanboy has the European PSN update, which adds Soldner-X Himmelssturmer. Maybe that title is easier to pronounce in Europanese?

  • Penny Arcade Adventures Ep. 2 coming to PSN Dec. 18

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The PlayStation Blog gives word that the second episode of Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness will be available today on the PSN. PAA: OtR-SPoD: Ep. 2 features Trophy support and, unlike the first installment, the option to change difficulty settings. The fruit-fracking mini-RPG will cost $15 and should be available as soon as the PSN update occurs later in the day. %Gallery-30963%

  • X3F TV -- XBLA in Brief: Penny Arcade Episode 2, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    This week on XBLA in Brief, we look at two radically different games. On the one hand, we have an RPG filled with disgusting creatures and filthy dialogue and on the other we have a family friendly trivia game. They are Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 2 and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, respectively. Also, one of the games has a digital Jeff Foxworthy. We'll let you figure out which. Check out the latest episode to see how the games stack up.[iTunes] Subscribe to X3F TV directly in iTunes.[Zune] Subscribe to the X3F TV directly (Zune Marketplace link coming soon).[RSS] Add the X3F TV feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically.[M4V] Download the M4V directly.

  • Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 2, virtual Jeff Foxworthy hit XBLA

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    The second episode of the extremely successful adventure game, Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? hosted by a virtual Jeff Foxworthy are now available on the Xbox Live Arcade. The double-shot of Arcade fun will leave a gaping hole within virtual wallets as both titles ask 1200 Microsoft space-bucks, if you decide to buy them both or separately that is. Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? is based off the popular game show that quizzes contestants on 21 different subjects used in the current curriculum in the 1st to 5th grade range. Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 2 continues the story of web comic icons Gabe and Tycho and the user's created character, searching for answers and revenge in a steam-punk inspired universe. Picking them up or not? Tell us why in the comments.

  • Penny Arcade Adventures Episode Two this Wednesday, 1200 points

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    *beep*beep*beep* This just in Microsoft has made what we already knew official: Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two will debut on the Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday. Arriving at 1200MS Points -- a few dollars cheaper than the original for those keeping score at home -- the second chapter continues the story of Gabe, Tycho and the revenge-seeking hero, You.To recap, this Wednesday will ask Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader with Jeff Foxworthy -- of all people -- provide Marble Blast Ultra DLC and a new achievement and now the sequel to the popular adventure title from HotHead Games. That is an expensive day to be an Arcade fanatic.

  • Penny Arcade Adventures Ep. 2 coming Oct. 29 to XBLA, PC

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The second episode of Penny Arcade Adventure: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, is coming next Wednesday, October 29, for Xbox Live Arcade, Windows, Mac and Linux. According to the press release, the PC versions will be available via Greenhouse. As previously revealed, the episode will cost $15 for all platforms. No word on the PlayStation 3 release. Episode One will finally be hitting the PS Store tomorrow, or six days before everyone else gets the sequel. %Gallery-30963%

  • First Penny Arcade Episode 2 screens

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Given that PAX is organized by the creators of Penny Arcade (it's right there in the title, really), it's pretty much the perfect venue to release the first screenshots of Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode Two. For the sake of brevity, let's just call it Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 2, mkay? This first batch of screenshots hints at some of the story in Episode 2, namely the sanitarium that's featured briefly in the introduction of Episode 1. Also featured are shots of the game's combat. Sadly, it looks like the game's protagonist (i.e. "You") will not be ditching his or her trusty rake, as we spotted a special attack entitled "A License to Till." Check out all the new screens in the gallery below.[Via Joystiq]%Gallery-31010%