

  • Lucasfilm/Disney

    How 'Rogue One' used CG to complete its cast

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    Spoilers ahead for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Two weeks ago, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story debuted, a side tale devoted to bridging the gap between the prequels and original trilogy. But it also spent time with numerous nods to the latter, including digitally resurrecting a character portrayed by an actor who passed away in 1994. While the CG necromancy earned mixed reactions, the resulting animation is an incredible achievement requiring the Rogue One filmmakers to walk a tightrope of technical and ethical concerns.

  • Lucasfilm/Disney

    'Rogue One' is a milestone (and warning sign) for CG resurrection

    Devindra Hardawar
    Devindra Hardawar

    Spoilers ahead for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. You probably didn't expect many surprises in Rogue One, the first Star Wars "side story" which details how, exactly, the Rebel Alliance acquired the plans for the Death Star. Indeed, the entire film seems to exist just to fill in a bit of background detail for A New Hope, our first Luke Skywalker adventure. But it turns out Rogue One is much more than an elaborate bit of fan service. It's surprisingly harrowing, genuinely moving and it'll likely go down as a milestone for digital-actor resurrection.