

  • Japanese hardware sales: 22-28 May

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    We just received the Japanese hardware sales charts for the week ranging from 22 May to 28 May via singing telegram. It took several hours for the song to run its informative course, and yet we still can't manage to get the tune out of our heads. The ranking, according to number of units sold: DS Lite: 285,025 124,843 (77,94%) PSP: 27,227 2,770 (11,33%) PS2: 19,798 835 (4,05%) GBA SP: 6,652 478 (7,74%) Phat DS: 4,126 12,741 (75,54%)  Game Boy Micro: 2,013 232 (10,33%) Xbox 360: 1,242 161 (11,48%)  Gamecube: 1,116 65 (6,18%) GBA: 44 19 (76%) Xbox: 8 12 (60%) As you can see, the DS Lite outsold the PSP more than ten times over, no doubt a fact that will be brought up in countless fanboy arguments in the coming week. The Phat DS continues its sad slide down the charts, content in the fact that it has paved the way for its younger brother's colossal success. There's some sort of profound image in there, but we can't be bothered.[Source: Media Create]