

  • Quake III Team Arena on XBLA?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The ESRB is becoming a better resource for leaking Xbox Live Arcade titles than we could have dreamed. This time, it's an entry for Quake III: Team Arena. Granted, the Xbox 360 is not short on shooters, but Quake III is one of the best. Quake III provided some great multiplayer thrills back in tha' day, and it would be a perfect addition to Xbox Live Arcade, especially at a budget price. Quake III is graphically more sophisticated than most XBLA titles, so it's a safe bet that the game will utilize the new 150MB size limit.Would you buy Quake III for Xbox Live Arcade, or do you have enough shooters already? Frankly, we miss good old fashioned rocket jumping, so we're willing to give it a try.[Via Joystiq]

  • COD3 Valor Map Pack return to Marketplace

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Dan Bunting, developer for Call of Duty 3, updated his post on the Xbox.com forums to announce that the Valor Map pack's issues. The problems people were having have now been fixed and some bugs regarding Ranked Lobbies and Ranked Matches have been addressed as well in an Auto-Update. It's good to see developers taking actions and keeping the community well informed on issues like this, and we here at Fanboy Towers have been there every step of the way. How do you think the developers handled the situation, and after all is said and done, are the maps really worth all the trouble?[Via QJ.net]