

  • Remember Heavy Rain? No? Here's a reminder... [update 1]

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    First, a note: this game is only possible on the Playstation 3. Almost mythical, the title Heavy Rain has been in and out of the public eye ever since last year's E3. You must remember -- the woman auditioning for something who slowly changes from an amicable young lady into a mad, raving, murdering lunatic... and then back again? Pssh, women. Anyway, Quantic Dream's lead designer David Cage recently spoke about the idea of all characters in games showing the full gamut of emotions in the near future. He said, "The pleasure we feel watching a movie or reading a book comes from the different emotions we go through. There is no doubt in my mind that games will follow the same direction and offer more interesting, emotionally involving experiences, with more meaning and depth."The enormous response from the Heavy Rain trailer really sparked Cage and his crew on to continue creating the title with emotional quality no less than already displayed. What's interesting is they had no intention to show this off -- it was created simply as a test to test how hard the PS3 was to program for. It was never edited, never re-worked. This is a raw, practically from the drawing board, trailer. As such, it's also real-time footage, not a cut-scene. In fact, the game is slated to have no cutscenes. "Also, this trailer is just a real-time non-interactive movie, where the game will be fully interactive, without cut scenes."Please, keep reading.