

  • Samsung SPH-L500 saunters by the FCC with Sprint-friendly LTE, hefty dimensions

    Alexis Santos
    Alexis Santos

    Uncle Sam just played host to Samsung's SPH-L500 smartphone at the FCC, and it looks like the handset's next stop will be Sprint. With a 850 / 1900 CDMA radio and support for Band 25 LTE / SVLTE (simultaneous voice and data), the South Korean-designed smartphone carries the requisite kit to operate on the Now Network, and also packs WiFi a/b/g/n, Bluetooth and NFC. Though other details are scant, digging into the government paperwork reveals one major clue: size. Measuring up at roughly 5.2 inches tall and 2.6 inches wide, it's clear that we're in store for a hefty device, as it's ever so slightly smaller than the Galaxy S 4. Big Yellow and Samsung haven't made the hardware official just yet, but that's likely to change soon as it's cleared one of the final hurdles left between it and US availability.