

  • Revolutionary: Whip it good

    Mike sylvester
    Mike sylvester

    What is it about Castlevania that gamers have found so appealing for more than twenty years? Is it the story? The atmosphere? The visceral sense of fulfillment from whipping all manner of damned creatures back to the infernal depths? Is it the one-on-one arena battles in Boy George makeup, steam-punk corsets and leather-daddy fetishware? Yeah, it's probably not that last thing. We had in mind a traditional sidescroller for Castlevania on the Wii, with waggle-enhanced whip cracking, so that's why this week, I've set out to capture that fun that we've so desperately desired.

  • Wii Warm Up: How many channels?

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    How many channels do you have on your Wii menu, including downloaded VC games, and how many of those channels do you actually use? We're guilty of downloading games and letting them sit there for a while before we replay them (talking to you, Super Castlevania IV), and there are others that we rarely use at all. It's probably also fair to say that the latest channel news has been pretty unexpected. We got a channel out of nowhere, and now we're slated to get another channel, the mysterious Popularity Channel. The Wii's only been out six months, and those menu screens are filling up. How many channels do you think will be added by the end of the Wii's first full year?