

  • Puzzle & Power Packs: PSN-only games on UMD this Oct.

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Despite a higher percentage of broadband penetration in Europe, and the introduction of a PC-based PlayStation Store for the PS3-less, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has still opted to wrangle up the bits of some of the PSP's download-only titles for UMD distribution in themed "packs".The first two packs (there are "more Collection Packs to be released throughout 2009") are the Puzzle Pack – cramming the mischievous Lemmings with the excitable Go! Sudoku and Go! Puzzle – and the Power Pack – an odd grouping of Syphon Filter: Combat Ops, the more contemplative stylings of flOw, and the rhythm-happy Beats. The Puzzle Pack is slated for a European debut in "mid" October while the Power Pack will come along right behind it, in "late" October. We've asked the fine folks at SCEA to comment on a North American release so, until then, let's just assume this is Europe-only.

  • PlayStation Store now live, grab PSP content from your PC

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    The PlayStation 3 no longer exclusively acts as the eerily quiet middleman for your purchases from Sony's PlayStation Store. The PC-based online store ( has gone live for the US and is ready to absorb your munnies in exchange for PSP games, demos, themes and PlayStation 1 games. Everything you need to get started is right on the front page -- software for transferring the downloaded content from your PC to your PSP, and the ability to create a free PSN account (your PS3 login will work too). Be sure to check out PSP Fanboy's step-by-step guide if Flash-based interfaces flummox you.The store currently boasts an exclusive PSP game, Syphon Filter: Combat Ops, along with downloadable versions of some UMD-based games (we spy WipEout Pure), several familiar PlayStation 1 titles (also compatible with PS3) and some new themes, demos and trailers, all of which you'll find listed after the break. The amount of content doesn't yet prompt the use of words like "glut" and "avalanche", but it's a solid start. Let's hope Sony keeps the store updated and the content fresh in the coming months.