

  • Metal Gear Solid 4 t-shirts also available in UK

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Want to get your hands on those limited edition Metal Gear Solid 4 T-Shirts, but don't live anywhere near Tokyo or New York? Lucky for you, they're also available in the UK via the magic of the interwebs. Five tees can be found on the UNIQLO website, so if your MGS collection doesn't quite feel complete yet, they're waiting for you to pick them up. Just how "limited" these limited edition t-shirts are is hard to quantify but, as usual, if you want one you should act as soon as possible. We've already put our order in.

  • New WoW shirts at Jinx

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Long-time purveyors of WoW wear, Jinx have updated their line with some new spring fashions. There are five new t-shirts available for both men and women, and one nifty Carrot on a Stick keychain (if only it made your car go faster). Many of their older designs (specifically, Alliance, Horde, and each class) are also now available in youth sizes. You're never too young to say "glory to the Alliance" with your t-shirt.I like most of the new designs, although I still have yet to actually buy anything from Jinx. I'm not too keen on the Illidan one; it's a little melodramatic for me. The Hunter design calls in mind the good old days of Shadowmelded Aimed Shots, and the faux-vintage baseball shirts are cute. My favorite, though, has to be the 8-bit Molten Core shirt (which, by the way, is a limited edition). That's one of my favorite of Blizz's many April Fool's jokes, and it plays well on cotton.

  • Jinx puts WoW shirts on sale

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    This may not qualify as big news on a day when we learned more about Wrath of the Lich King than we have since Blizzcon, but in case you're in need of a new t-shirt or two, Jinx is having a sale on four WoW-themed designs. Each design, in men's, is available for $5, and they are: Horde crest Alliance crest WoW Burning Crusade Note that all sizes in each of the four designs are out of stock except large and extra-large, so I hope your size is one of those. The sale continues until May 14th -- go get your shop on!

  • New WoW class shirts at J!NX give a stat buff

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    The official WoW webpage is sporting a new advertisement for some class-themed T-shirts available at J!NX for priests, druids, shamans and paladins. They say that these shirts come with "a +20 buff to pwnage," which is quite a lot, so for those of you out there is running short on pwnage, be sure to wear these shirts at all times! Also, if you need glowing eyes and wings sprouting out of your back, be sure to buy the priests' shirt in particular, as seen in this photo displayed at their website.The designs actually look pretty cool. I've taken the liberty of copying them for you below so you can see what I mean. Even if you don't need any extra pwnage, one might want to buy a shirt just for the beauty factor alone.

  • Apple t-shirt: Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Quality shirts for Apple fans can sometimes be hard to find on the web. Call me crazy, but the standard-issue black "GEEK" shirts don't quite cut it for me; I hate black as a shirt color because it gets way too hot in the summer, and these kinds of designs are typically bland and uninteresting. Insanely Great Tees is a newer entry in this space, offering some clever and creative pro-Apple t-shirts. Panic, makers of apps like Transmit and CandyBar, also offers one of my favorite shirts in their Goods section called the Spinner (scroll down, I can't link to it directly. Grr). It's subtle Apple nerdery that will likely catch only the eyes of those who know what it is. Fortunately, one of my favorite novelty shops, Go Ape Shirts, has just tossed their shirt into the ring (hah!) with this entry, Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree. You might also know their work from other hits like Boo Boo Walker. Sporting Apple products both old and new, Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree is a good tongue-in-cheek play on a phrase wrapped up in a cool design on a uniquely colored tee. With prices for guys and girls starting at $18, I might as well contact Josh, the shop's owner, to see if I can open a tab.

  • This is why we're dorks

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Considering the amount of remixes Mims' hit rap single "This is Why I'm Hot" set off -- R. Kelly's "This is Why I'm Cold," the NBA's "The Phoenix Suns Are Hot," and Chubbs' "This is Why I'm Fat" for example -- we're surprised that it took this long for its catchy hook to reach video gaming's catch-phrase-hungry communities. Mirroring Mims' insipid lyrics, the simplicity of SnorgTees' shirt design leaves no room for confusion on its message or the company's plans to rake in crazy money by exploiting our nostalgia-addled minds. We can imagine the office congratulations and "props" received by the young designer who paired the 8-bit fire flower with the narcissistic mantra. They all agree, this is why he's hot. The $16.95 shirt comes in royal blue and black, its lowercase Myriad Pro text staying chalky white on both colors. If you haven't heard the song several hundred times already, you have the option of checking past the post break for an embedded music video of the club track.

  • Support your Mii troops

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Mark Newton and his coworkers at Gamestop received this "We're Building an Armii" shirt from their store's Nintendo representative, making sure to post a photo of their spoils for us to envy over with aching hearts. Thanks a lot, guys. Thanks for NOTHING.We're not sure which war Nintendo plans on shipping these Miis to, but just how useful would these guys be in any combat situation? Playing Wii Sports: Tennis is one thing, but keeping your cool while you're under fire and your buddy next to you is filled with shrapnel, begging you to take him home and make things alright again like they were before, is another. March two klicks past the post break for a closer look at the shirt swag.

  • Breakfast Topic: Meeting other WoW folks in real life

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    The other day while I was packing up after doing some research at my local library, a small group of people stopped me to ask what the stickers on my laptop were about. I replied that they were symbols from World of Warcraft. It turned out that several of the folks in the group were also WoW players – although they were all Alliance. One of the girls in the group happily told me all about her Night Elf Druid, and how her boyfriend had gotten her into WoW. She then followed up by noting that she was surprised to meet someone who played Horde out in real life. We chatted about WoW for a good ten to fifteen minutes, I told them about WoW Insider (because this place rocks) and then we all headed our separate ways. With the sheer amount of merchandise now available, like t-shirts, book bags, and stickers, WoW players are making their presence known more and more in the real world. Have you ever worn or displayed something with a WoW reference on it and been stopped by other gamers or people asking about it? If you saw someone wearing a WoW shirt, what would you do? How about if they were of the opposing faction, as most of the group I was talking to were? Personally, I think it was awesome to meet other gamers, no matter if they were of the opposing faction. After all, we're all just people out to have fun in Azeroth when it comes down to it. I also thought that it was really cool to hear (and remember) the excitement of someone new to the game, as well as sharing experiences with other people who have raided the same places I have. That said, if you ever see a girl with multi-colored hair who has Horde stickers on her laptop (as seen above) feel free to pop over and say hello!

  • Insanely Great Tees announces iPhone giveaway, more shirts to vote on

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Insanely Great Tees is perhaps one of the few, if only, Apple-centric t-shirt shops out there, offering creative designs at good prices. One of the unique things they do as a purveyor of cool threads is post ideas for new shirts on their news blog for the world to see - and vote on. Just like the first time around, they have announced a new batch of five shirts to vote on, with one heck of a killer bonus: a contest to win an iPhone. Details will apparently be released next week, so you can hop on the Insanely Great mailing list to get your shot.

  • Insanely Great Tees releases two new shirts

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Insanely Great Tees, who we've mentioned before and dearly love here at TUAW, has announced two new shipping shirts from that batch we all voted on. The "I'm a Mac" and "Binary Tree" (both $17) are ready to ship and keep you clothed, just in time for Macworld 07! I was personally hoping for the "cmd + s the whales" and "Vector G" shirts as well, but hey, I'll take what I can get.

  • Insanely Great Tees announces 6 new shirts to vote on

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Insanely Great Tees, the clever new Mac-centric shirt shop, has announced 6 new t-shirts - but not all of them are going to see the light of day. Apparently the insanely great crew are having a tough time deciding which ones they like most, so they've put it to a vote for the rest of us. Head over to Insanely Great News (their blog) to see all shirts laid out, each with their own voting options ranging from "I'd wear it!" to "Eh..." and even "It's the worst."If you have a minute, head over and get to voting. I'm in the market for some new threads and I'd wear almost every one of these (sans the Camera Icons shirt), especially since there aren't nearly enough shirts about type in the world.

  • Get your gift on: Holiday gamer shirts

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Check out all of the different Way of the Rodent t-shirt designs while you're searching for stocking stuffers. Sure, they aren't all holiday themed, but this Katamari t-shirt where the Prince is rolling up a snowman is the bomb. Although the Q*bert Christmas tree trumps them all in terms of nostalgia, and that Pac-Man Christmas Carol shirt, "Tonight you will be visited by three ghosts ..." is priceless. Well, priceless to the tune of $22 plus shipping and handling. But don't let that turn you into a Scrooge, share some holiday gaming love this season.[Thanks, Trina]

  • Joyswag: A Castle Crashers tee for your thoughts

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    One of the greatest parts about meeting The Behemoth's Tom Fulp at PAX (hi Tom!) was hearing how he read and incorporated our reader's feedback into the Castle Crashers' PAX build, specifically Psaakyrn's comment that enemies appeared to get stuck outside the screen. In the footage from the PAX build you'll notice a dearth of such behavior, with most of the action concentrated towards the center of the screen.In the spirit of continuing this line of communication, we'll be giving away two of these super sweet Castle Crashers tees to a randomly selected comment containing feedback. Do you like the graphics? How much would you pay for a title like this? Did you manage to acquire the coveted "first post"? Just kidding, that last one doesn't count. Let us, and The Behemoth, know what you think of their latest effort and you could win a tee (continue reading for the rules). Get to it, we'll give you another chance tomorrow.P.S.- Tom agrees with us, the world would be a much better place with a Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 game. He didn't say they're making one, he was just saying. We're gonna puff up our cheeks and hold our breath until PBCBSF2006 climbs out of its animated grave and into our interactive world. Starting. Now.

  • Booth babes eat your heart out

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff

    We all know the booth babes look good, but can they play games too? That seems to have somewhat been the motivation behind British fashion label Joystick Junkies' search for the perfect model. The site set up their own little tournament of champions in the search for their bangin'-est gamer hottie. As they say, "We're not just going for model looks though, we've been looking for true gaming passion as well ..." They now have a list -- with pictures -- of some finalists, all ready for your gawking and voting pleasure. See, girls really do play video games.[Thanks, cringer8]

  • Widget Watch: destroy your productivity with the Threadless Vote widget

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I have to admit: I'm a nut for Threadless. The t-shirt design submissions that actually go to print after voting can certainly be hit or miss sometimes, but they crank out enough to keep me coming back for more. As if combing their site for new threads isn't enough of a time-waster, someone decided to curse my productivity by creating a Threadless Vote widget that allows you to browse and rate submissions. You need to have a free account already created with Threadless, but after that minor step, you can go nuts with tossing in your two cents on which designs make it into their catalog.

  • Apple Store FlatIron Crossing Grand Opening report

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I have emerged victorious from my first ever Apple Store grand opening, and I have to say: it was pretty cool. There was one heck of a line that ran far outside the closest mall entrance, and it was really cool to see people from all walks of life, including Dan Lurie from The Apple Blog and Jeff Gamet from The Mac Observer. My friend and I arrived around 8:15 am, and we were about 20th in line, though it picked up momentum shortly thereafter.I've posted a photo set from the event to our TUAW Flickr account, so check those out if you want more proof of how crazy Apple fans can get for a Saturday morning grand opening. One minor complaint: I wish Apple would stop using "geek black" on their event shirts like the ones they handed out today. Aside from that, it was fun to get my Mac-geek on for the day, even if I couldn't afford to actually buy anything.

  • Broomfield, CO Apple Store opening this weekend, too

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I think it's safe to declare today as "Apple Store News Day." First Toronto's on the map, then Zürich and now a store I've been waiting for: Flatiron Crossing Mall in Broomfield, CO. I just received the email from Apple about the grand opening, the prizes, the glitz and glamor... The store's grand opening is happening this weekend, May 6th at 10:00 am. T-shirts will be given to the first 1000 (geeks) through the door, and that "Digital Lifestyle Collection" sweepstakes is going on as well. The prizes are the same as the ones in the Toronto store that Dave mentioned: an iMac, an iPod nano, a Canon digital camera, a Sony Handycam CCD-TRV138, and an HP inkjet printer.I'm going to try and make the opening myself, but I'll need to recruit a fellow Mac geek with a car. If you make it to the opening, send us a link with some pics or a report. Enjoy!

  • Apple to release new in-store brochures, t-shirts

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I'm delighted to see ifoAppleStore reporting that Apple will be releasing a new series of brochures and employee t-shirts in their retail stores to advertise the wide range of creative capabilities their Macs and software offer to consumers. The cover of the 12-page brochure (pictured) seems largely focused on advertising all the content-creating doors their award-winning iLife suite opens, while the inside of the brochure features various Apple Store employees wearing t-shirts with help-related slogans such as "I can help you go from shutterbug to photocaster."Other strong Apple Store advantages that the brochures boast are the various Creative, Genius and Mac Specialist employees staffed at the stores who are trained to accommodate the various interests, hobbies and professions that Mac users have. The brochures advertise many more unique facets of the Apple Store and Mac-buying experience, such as their free workshops and on-line Concierge appointment scheduling service. While I haven't been in an Apple Store in a while, all I remember from my past experience is advertising that was almost entirely focused on making me buy an iPod. It's great to see Apple putting their best foot forward with a campaign like this.[Thanks Benjamin Bowles]

  • John Gruber releases new Daring Fireball t-shirts, quits day job

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    John Gruber has answered the call for more Daring Fireball t-shirts and released two new designs (pictured) in addition to his original (not pictured). As before, purchasing one shirt for $29 (shipping included) will also score you a one year membership to full RSS and Linked List feeds, but now you can purchase additional shirts for $19 each, again with free shipping (bonus points to anyone who can point out the Mac nerdery significance in the POS shirt without cheating and checking John's post). Already established members can purchase any of these shirts at the already lowered price of $19.Now before you pull that 'if only he wrote more often' complaint out of your back pocket, John has answered that call as well by launching an Initiative - he quit his day job last week to write Daring Fireball full time.Those membership perks of full RSS and Linked List feeds just got a whole lot more valuable. Yes, I've had a membership for almost a year now (and I'll definitely be renewing), but no - John didn't pay us for product placement.

  • Moof and other Mac Icon Shirts

    Damien Barrett
    Damien Barrett

    Susan Kare designed the original icons for the Macintosh as well as some for many early popular software programs. She's responsible for both the Moof the Dogcow and the error bomb icons, for instance.And now she's opened up a Cafe Press shop to sell her famous icon designs on t-shirts. Yes, you can get Moof on a t-shirt. Or the error bomb, the watch, or the alert icon.This is definitely getting added to my wishlist. I really want a Dogcow shirt.