

  • Literacy Bridge begins pilot program for "sub-$10 audio computer"

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    The non-profit organization Literacy Bridge has been working on its so-called Talking Book Device for some time now, but it looks like it's now finally getting its first pilot program off the ground, which will see the "sub-$10 audio computer" land the hands of some students in Ghana. In addition to simply playing back lessons and other recordings, the device can also help students learn vocabulary, provide a means for multiple choice question and answer sessions, and even offer up a few games. Perhaps most interestingly, however, content can also be shared between two devices without a PC or a network, and even recorded directly to the device, which Literacy Bridge hopes will allow for information to be easily distributed, and make it useful even outside the classroom. No word on any further trials or general availability just yet, but Literacy Bridge will be keenly watching the pilot program and looking for ways to improve the device.