

  • Forthcoming TiVo software update promises faster operations

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you've been doing a decent job of restraining yourself from hurling all sorts of foreign objects around the house due to the sluggishness in your TiVo's operations, you should certainly reward yourself with a baked good. Moving forward, you'll likely be tested a lot less, as a forthcoming software update (version .8) promises to "significantly" speed up common tasks. More specifically, getting to TiVo Central, navigating around your Now Playing list, channel changing, starting a recording, and setting up a Season Pass have all been tweaked to react faster (exact improvements shown above). Additionally, TiVo users will soon have access to a so-called Priority Page on the firm's website where they can "sign up for this service update sooner than the scheduled rollout," which should occur naturally in "the next few weeks."

  • TiVo now offering Music Choice content to subscribers

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Those looking for a bit more functionality from TiVoCast can fix their attention on the latest addition, which allows broadband-enabled boxes to access a wide variety of Music Choice videos and original programming. In an effort to further differentiate its DVRs from the standard fare doled out by cable companies, TiVo is providing its customers with access to Music Choice's "catalog of several thousand music videos," and it's noted that the number of selections is expected to "grow significantly in the coming weeks." The service, which is available immediately, will be offered up gratis to subscribers, and Dave Zatz has already had a chance to sit down (albeit briefly) with the new offering and give it a spin. For more details on his take along with an assortment of photos, be sure to check out the via link below.[Via ZatzNotFunny]