

  • Cycript: Blending Objective-C and JavaScript


    Cycrypt is a new project that blends Objective-C and JavaScript to make it easier to implement aspects of both together. It's going to be great for using elements that JavaScript offers when programming with Objective-C. It's similar to JSCocoa, but it's been designed to offer a more complete set of JavaScript commands. It offers a full JavaScript parser/serializer, which allows for extensive use of JavaScript coding. If you're wondering what exactly this is, the Cycript page offers some examples of code written with Cycript. Basically, it allows you to implement full JavaScript commands, while working with Objective-C in the same project. Cycript is dependent on the MobileSubstrate and libffi libraries, which are available in Cydia. This won't be used to develop applications in the App Store anytime soon. If you're interested, you can download examples or releases of Cycript. It's still being worked on, but if you're developing with both Objective-C and JavaScript in a project, you should check it out.

  • CSStringTokenizer, a Cocoa Touch front end for tokenizing strings


    Have you ever wanted to work with rather deep elements of Core Foundation in the iPhone SDK with some sort of front end? August Joki has just come up with a project that provides a Cocoa Touch wrapper for the CFStringTokenizer type in the Core Foundation framework. As you can see in the screen shot at right, the demo provides various aspects about the current string including the string in a letter, word, or using a WordBoundary. It works just like CFStringTokenizer can, but can be accessed using this front-end. If you're wondering what CFStringTokenizer actually is, it's useful for breaking a string into a token, which can specified by words, sentences, or paragraphs. You're also able to further modify the tokenization once you break it down. This is something that's going to be useful for iPhone developers who like to work with a Cocoa Touch interface to bring lower-level elements of the iPhone OS into their apps, and also to developers who work with natural language strings. To download this project, go over to the cocoa-stringtokenizer project page on GitHub.

  • TUAW is now on GitHub


    As posting code on the blog can sometimes can get very cluttered, we have just set up a GitHub account for TUAW to make everything better and easier for everyone. This is where you'll be able to find code for our developer-related posts. We'll try to get some projects hosted in there very soon, so don't worry that it's empty now! If you haven't heard of it, GitHub is a hosting site for git revisions, which makes it a great place to host and interact with code of all kinds. You can find our profile at http://github.com/tuaw today. What would you like to see on TUAW for iPhone/Mac development? Let us know in the comments below!