

  • AT&T rolls out Weather On Demand U-verse functionality in Houston, TX

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Now that AT&T is finally finished rolling out its Total Home DVR software, it's back to adding in interactivity. As Weather On Demand continues to make the rounds, Houston, Texas has become the newest locale to become acquainted. Hard to say if you'll really be compelled to check the forecast on your HDTV versus, say, your cellphone, but it's there if you're into it.

  • AT&T brings U-verse Weather On Demand to Los Angeles and Columbus

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Hey, remember that AccuWeather portal that launched earlier this month on AT&T's U-verse? Looks like the outfit is on the rollout train, as it's bringing the service to U-verse TV subscribers in both Columbus, Ohio and Los Angeles, California. For those unaware, the free Weather On Demand service is an "interactive feature that allows U-verse TV customers to find the weather information they want, in the city they want, at the time they want -- all at the touch of a button." 'Course, you could just look outside and / or trust the weatherman, but where's the fun in that?Read - Columbus rolloutRead - Los Angeles rollout

  • AT&T launches AccuWeather portal on U-verse TV

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you've been waiting (and waiting) for a few more value-added features to hit U-verse TV, you're in luck. Assuming you're located in Atlanta, Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Indianapolis or San Diego, that is. AT&T and have jointly launched a weather on demand feature in the aforementioned cities, and there are plans in place to spread it across the entire U-verse network by 2009. Just as it sounds, users will be able to use Weather On Demand in order to fetch the latest forecast at the press of a button, and of course, it's completely free.