

  • TUAW's Daily Mac App: Wren

    Samuel Gibbs
    Samuel Gibbs

    Today's Daily Mac App, Wren, helps you stay your productive by giving you distraction free tweeting right from your desktop. Twitter is a fantastic time sink. You can spend hours reading people's tweets, following links, commenting and having conversations. That's great if you've got time to waste, sitting waiting for the bus or at the doctors, but what about those occasions when you're working hard and can't afford to get distracted? Sometimes the perfect tweet springs into your mind when you're getting work done. Wren helps you express that tweet without the distractions of the rest of twitter. It's a one way broadcasting app that shows you only the previous tweet you sent and the one you're writing now. No stream, no @replies, no direct messages, photos, videos or links -- nothing but a box to send your tweets out to the Twitterverse from. Wren does an admirable job of getting the message out. It's well designed, has a pleasant interface and can be shown or hidden with a global keyboard shortcut. You can write a couple of tweets and save them as drafts to be recalled later, shorten links via a variety of services including Bit.ly and Goo.gl, auto complete Twitter usernames and simply get your thoughts tweeted out. Distraction free tweeting isn't necessary for everyone, but if you feel the need to tweet even when you can't be distracted, Wren will get the job done quickly and easily. Wren is available from the Mac App Store for US$4.99 of your hard earned cash.