

  • Massively talks with Aeria about Eden Eternal, spies a trailer

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Aeria Games has a lot of games under its roof, so why not add one more? Eden Eternal, the latest up-and-comer from developer X-Legend Entertainment, allows players to host their own guild towns and play up to 15 character classes. Tired of your current class? No problem -- just switch to another one. Players can switch as much as they like (while outside of combat) so getting a full group together should be no problem! Luckily, we were able to fire off some questions to Aeria. The company also sent along a trailer that shows off five of the potential 15 classes that you can find in the game. During beta, players will only access 12 of the classes, but for some reason we think that will keep player plenty busy. Each class falls under one of five classic MMORPG class branches: melee DPS, ranged DPS, magic DPS, healing, and tanking. Each class has a unique set of skills that can be accessed from every class in that particular branch. Class branches also share combat traits, and as we noted before, players will be able to switch between classes on the fly! Click past the cut to view the trailer and to read the interview.