

  • SCEA teams up with ESPN for X Games 13

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    For the upcoming X Games 13 event in Los Angeles in August, SCEA announced its "renewed sponsorship" for the global action sport competition. Lets hope the competitors aren't superstitious, eh? Like the last 8 years of Sony's sponsorship, this year's event will be highlighted with the presence of Sony, but this time in a new truck-like package. The gargantuan PlayStation Experience truck will allow players to get an up-close and personal hands-on with the latest software for the PS3, PS2 and PSP. A 52-inch LCD HDTV will be displaying your hands-on skills in games like Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Folklore, MotorStorm, Singstar Pop and even Parappa the Rapper. Leather chairs will ensure style and comfort while players game away. The absence of heavier and more violent content is a purposeful move to merge the event (oddly enough) with Sony's softer, more kid-friendly side. "As the X Games and PlayStation appeal to the younger audiences, we couldn't be happier with this partnership and look forward to future events with them," says Rick Alessandri, Managing Director of the X Games franchise. The X Games 13 event will take place August 2-5 at both The Home Depot Center and the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, CA.

  • Go Pro's Digital Hero waterproof wrist camera

    Stan Horaczek
    Stan Horaczek

    When given your choice of aquatic wrist-wear this summer, why opt for the nerdy-but-possibly-lifesaving SenTAG, when Go Pro's Digital Hero shock-proof polycarbonate sport wrist camera is so much more interesting? Sure, it's gigantic and unwieldy, but it weighs less than 3-ounces and is waterproof up to a depth of 30-feet. Plus, it goes around your wrist! What else could you want? Specs? Oh, right. With 32MB of internal memory, you can expect to get VGA photos and QVGA videos, with the latter giving a frame-rate less like Step Into Liquid and more like an old movie of Babe Ruth running the bases. We admit, it doesn't quite live up to legitimate underwater cams like Pentax's Optio WPi, but for $80, including the necessary AAA battery, what can you expect? Just think of the totally rad footage you'll get when you combine it with your Tony Hawk helmet cam.[Via Travelizmo]

  • ESPN content back in iTunes

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    It would seem that the ESPN "This is Sports Center" ads [link] that were giving people the "...not available in the US store" error in the iTunes Music Store last week are working again. Also, extended highlights and gold medal runs from the 2006 Winter X Games [link] have been added as well.Don't forget, today is "New Music Content Tuesday," in the iTMS, so hunt around to see what you can find.