

  • More info on Blu-ray's content protection system

    Matt Burns
    Matt Burns

    Ever wonder what's going on with the three layers of copy protection that is employed by Blu-ray? Anyone? We haven't but maybe some of you have. CDRinfo has a great layout including illustrations of what is going on at each of the three layers. Most people know that the first layer, and the only layer of HD DVD, is AACS. This system uses 128-bit encryption to authenticate the disc. This is also where the dreaded Image Constrain Token (ICT) resides. But it doesn't stop there. This first layer is filled with more stuff to make it harder for your 'hacking' buddies like Digital Only Token, Audio Watermark, and the 'Analog Sunset.' (Check article for more info) This is where HD DVD stops and Blu-ray takes it to the next level with BD and the BD-ROM mark. Once again, these extra layers are just more protection from the MPAA's worst fear - teenagers with too much time.