

  • Full F-Zero AX arcade game discovered in F-Zero GX

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    F-Zero GX for GameCube was one of a pair of games. It was released concurrently with F-Zero AX, a game designed for the Sega/Namco/Nintendo "Triforce" arcade platform, which connected to the home game via memory cards to unlock tracks. AX had arcade-style timed gameplay, along with those tracks.Modder "Ralf" found that the full code for the arcade game is hidden on the GameCube disc – and accessible with a series of codes for the Action Replay cheat device. The long list of codes is found on The Cutting Room Floor (a site which, if this is your first visit, you're welcome).Now, someone go peek in Mario Kart: Double Dash and see if Arcade GP is in there.

  • Datel claims new Action Replay works on PSP Go, we hope cautiously

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Now this is interesting. Datel, which is well known for enabling all sorts of hacks on varying consoles, seems to have just introduced a refreshed version of its Action Replay PSP. What's new, you ask? Why, PSP Go support, of course! In the item description, we're told that those using this on Sony's UMD-less portable console will have to install it directly on the inbuilt memory, but one of two things has to happen (in theory, anyway) for that claim to be true. The first is that Datel is now an official Sony partner, which is about as likely as you getting a Foleo for Christmas. The other is that Datel found a way to run unencrypted code on the PSP Go, and if that's the case, we've got an idea that the homebrew junkies in the crowd will be all over this in search of further exploits. Hop on past the break for a promo video, and if you're down with shelling out funds for something that may or may not work as advertised, it's all yours for $24.99. [Thanks, Bill]

  • Homebrew app Ocarina makes cheating that much easier

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    You've got to love the Homebrew community. They're constantly trying to cut corners and this latest app, Ocarina, is no different. Instead of spending time inputting button commands in-game, you can simply inject them, Game Genie or Action Replay-style, into the game. For example, in Twilight Princess, the Ocarina app allows the user to climb ladders super fast, have infinite bombs and use a variety of items underwater. Among other things, Link can also use the Spinner in a really imaginative way. [Thanks, RupeeClock!] The homebrew community has been hard at work creating wonderful experiences for you to enjoy with your Wii. Did you know about homebrew game Masteroids? Or how about the shmup OpenTyrian? Outside of games, people have been using the Balance Board to come up with some really neat stuff. Keep up with the homebrew scene by staying current with our Homebrew category!

  • Love Revo: Losing weight is hard even in video games

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    We've been immensely interested in Otometeki Koi Kakumei: Love Revo ever since we caught wind of the DS game, but we hadn't seen any in-depth impressions of the dating sim until now. While it's a port of a 2006 PS2 game with very little added content, it has a unique concept: you play as a 200-lb, doltish girl looking to shed some pounds and smarten herself up to meet the standards of seven possible bachelors. Interestingly, there's also, uh, a somewhat incestual possible ending.Gamer Tell's Jenni Lada has a few curious notes on those unattached boys from her Love Revo playthrough: Souta, a blue-haired buck in the grade below your character's, has the lowest weight-loss requirement, and he'll date you once you've worked yourself down to 165 lbs. Perhaps the developers are implying that his youth and romantic inexperience have kept his standards lower than matured gentlemen? Because of his relatively accepting nature, Jenni found herself thinking of him as "a better person than the other male bachelors." Take notes, guys!You would expect Toru, your character's childhood friend and a similarly overweight individual, to be more understanding of your obesity, but not so! You have to slim down to 143 lbs before he gazes at you with hearts floating around his head. Toru's willing to take you under his husky wing, however, if your reading stat is only at 60; Souta must place higher importance on brains than looks, as his reading stat requirement is 65.To lose weight and build up your stats, you have to efficiently balance your activities, food intake, work, money, and stress. Despite her best efforts, Jenni found that balance too challenging to achieve, and her game ended with a "mean, thin girl" mocking her character. Determined to win herself a man, she used an Action Replay cheat code to rake in unlimited cash. Pockets full, she had no trouble gaining kind-hearted Souta's affection.So, is it easier to lose weight when you're rich? And is it easier to shack up with someone when you have money?

  • Mario Kart cheat adds paddle controller support

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    As fun as Taito's paddle controller might be, the peripheral's limited compatibility restricts experimentation with any games outside of Arkanoid DS or Space Invaders Extreme. What about the other Breakout DS clones or all the titles packed in Retro Atari Classics? Will they ever know the wheeled affection they desperately pine for? Or will their love go unrequited, the spinner playing the part of the "little red-haired girl?"Yasu's Action Replay "cheat string" doesn't unlock universal support for the paddle, providing us with a Valentine's Day miracle, but it does allow the controller to be used with an unexpected title -- Mario Kart DS. It's an important first step towards the greater goal! As you can see in the demonstration video above, it's not the most effective control scheme. We're sure that won't stop the jerks "snakers" out there from finding a way to exploit the setup.

  • Dragon Quest has hidden English translation

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's not complete. And it's pretty well hidden. But, it's there. If you're anything like us, you've been dying to get your hands on Dragon Quest IV. Now, importing it looks like a more viable option to getting our fix and to put a calm on these shakes, now that this has been discovered.What you'll need is an Action Replay and the game (natch). By inputting code 02106404 00000001, you'll be able to enjoy some nice, readable text. Of course, this isn't perfect, so those of you who want to experience the full game as it's intended for your language region might want to wait. But, of course the problem is that waiting is hard.

  • Rumors: Pokemon cheaters banned from online play

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    So you think it's cute, trying to cheat on being a pokey-man collecta', huh? I hear you're getting your hits using these Action Replay codes with Pokemon Diamond/Pearl: National-Dex Catching All 493 Pokemon All Shiny Well, I got news for you, buddy. Word on the street (i.e. Wii60 forums) is that Nintendo is banning players who are caught using the aforementioned codes from online play. No trades, no barters, just cold isolation with yourself. My Pokeymans, let me show you them ... I can't? Oh, nuts![Via DS Fanboy]

  • Time to dust off The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff

    If you have a copy of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker lying around, collecting dust or moths somewhere in the old closet, it may be time to break that baby out. Through the use of Action Replay, some beta levels were discovered in the game -- and quite a few at that. And now, through the magic of YouTube, video evidence of said codes exist.The levels all resemble this Super Monkey Ball infused world where you go around smashing things or picking up objects or just causing whatever mayhem your little Zelda-loving heart desires. Check after the break for all the codes and videos.[Thanks, bv]