

  • NCsoft Adam and Eve 2.0 art contest announced

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Are you an exceptional artist, with work good enough to save humanity from the Bane? You might just be what Richard Garriott and Operation Immortality are looking for. Just consider this: if the Earth was destroyed by tentacled aliens and the human race was forced to be reborn from stored DNA, what would the new Adam and Eve look like? This is where you come in. The new Adam and Eve 2.0 Art Contest held by NCsoft allows players to submit their own original artwork for a chance to win a spot on the Immortality Drive. Winners will get their DNA and artwork sent into space with Richard Garriott and stored on the International Space Station as part of mankind's greatest achievements. The selection will also have the opportunity to appear on future NCsoft promotional materials. So head on over to the main contest page for complete details, and good luck!