

  • EverQuest II Producer's Letter lays out changes coming to the game

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The latest producer's letter for EverQuest II, from Senior Producer Bruce A. Ferguson (aka "Froech"), is a bit of a look back at how The Shadow Odyssey expansion was received by the players. More than that, it's a look ahead to the changes SOE wants to make with the Fighter classes. Ferguson writes, "Last summer, at Fan Faire, we discussed making some changes to the Fighter classes, in order to bring them back in line with our original vision, where all fighters manage their own aggro, instead of relying on other group members to channel them some hate. Making some of these changes will broaden the desirability of all Fighter classes, and help increase their role in groups, without altering others." Those changes aren't something SOE is simply rolling out, and they've been releasing the Fighter revamp in stages following some lengthy testing. To that end, they're still hoping to get the feedback of players trying out these changes on the Test server. Beyond class balancing, Ferguson drops some info about what EverQuest II players can expect in the short term: