

  • Albatron's 42 inches of optical touch monitor get examined on video

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    While Dell and HP were busy holding a competition to see who could do a worse job of announcing their new optical multitouch displays, Albatron was crafting away a 42-inch monstrosity to completely steal their thunder. The optical part refers to a pair of CMOS sensors embedded in the bezel which are responsible for touch detection, a cheaper alternative to your typical capacitive and resistive tech, which requires an extra USB connection between the monitor and computer. Although some issues were found with Windows 7's multitouch implementation, the promise of recognizing more than two fingers with the proper software support and the general responsiveness of the unit whet our appetite for more. Alas, nobody dares speak of a price, but a 1080p 22-inch model is already available for $450, in case you wanted to add to your touchy-feely shortlist. The video after the break contains the hands-on and a little mystery -- why is there Bulgarian handwriting on the whiteboard in the background?

  • Albatron storms back with 10.2-inch ultrathin netbook

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Nice timing, Albatron. With the whole world feeling that the time is right to enter the quaint and mysterious realm of "thin and light" netbooks, this just proves that you're totally vibing with money-hungry suits the world over. Truth be told, there's not much we know about the admittedly striking laptop above. It's got a 10.2-inch panel, weighs around 2.2 pounds and packs at least an audio input and output. We're promised that more images and even a video are on the horizon, so hold tight, vaquero.[Via Slashgear]Update: Hands-on videos are up! Check it after the break.

  • Albatron 22-inch multi-touch LCD becoming a reality in March

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    After Microsoft announced Windows 7 would natively support multi-touch displays, Albatron was one of the first to show off a prototype panel intended to take advantage of that functionality. Seven months later the company is finally letting you know when you'll be able to buy one, and is also taking another opportunity to talk up its optical touch tech, which features sensors embedded into the bezel rather than the surface itself -- in theory resulting in a brighter image and greater durability. The company is planning to release its 21.5-inch LCD in March, and, while provided details are few, we know that the display will support 120Hz, have DVI and VGA inputs, and will relay touch information to the PC over USB. We also know that the company's motto is "captures the spirit of the Albatross," which we're going to go ahead and assume is a reference to Monty Python and not Baudelaire.

  • Albatron intros Tee PC mini tablet

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Albatron apparently had a prototype of one of these on display at Computex earlier this year, but it looks like it's now nailed everything down and taken the wraps off the final version of its very first so-called "mini tablet PC," which is now officially dubbed the Tee PC (or Tee PC Rocker, according to the box). This one bucks the current trends with a 400MHz ARM926 processor, which leads off the spec list that also includes a 7-inch 800 x 480 touchscreen, a whopping 128MB of RAM, 128MB of NAND Flash, an SD card slot for expansion, built-in WiFi and Bluetooth and, last but not least, Windows CE 6.0 for an OS. Unfortunately, while it's apparently "ready for market," there's no word on a price or release date just yet. Then again, unless it really undercuts some of the other tablets and netbooks on the market, we can't quite see this one shaking things up too much.

  • Albatron demos 22-inch multi-touch screen for Windows 7

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    We didn't think it'd take too terribly long to make it happen, but Albatron is taking Microsoft's heed and is already demonstrating a prototype 22-inch monitor with multi-touch, intended for use with whatever Windows 7 will eventually come to be called. The early verdict on the 1680 x 1050 display? TG Daily says it "works much better than we expected," but we said the same thing about Surface when it debuted last year -- so maybe it simply works as well as it should.

  • NVIDIA's GeForce 9800 GX2 gets official courtesy of Albatron

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Okay, so it's not like we were oblivious to the fact that NVIDIA's 8800-smashing GeForce 9800 GX2 was just around the bend, but we're getting that much closer to seeing it on store shelves judging by a finished product shown off at CeBIT. The Albatron card you see pictured above is most certainly proof that the mythical GPU is indeed a reality, and while no one in Germany will spill the beans on this thing's specifications, price or release date, feel free to check out a few more snapshots in the links below while clutching any spare change you can.[Via PC Perspective]

  • Albatron showcasing Nano Abox V2.0 Mini-PC at CeBIT

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It looks like Asus' LED-backlit laptop and NVIDIA's three-way SLI will have to share the limelight with someone else at CeBIT, as Albatron is planning to showcase its wee Nano Abox V2.0 Mini-PC for literal computing on the go. While not quite a laptop per se, this miniature PC has a 6.1- x 3.4-inch LCD screen flanking the top, and while a brief glance may bring back delightful memories of the Wii laptop design, this multimedia-centric device isn't just fun and games. Aside from boasting Viiv certification, it packs an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, up to 2GB of DDR2 RAM, integrated graphics, DVI output, eight-channel audio, USB 2.0, FireFire, and gigabit Ethernet. Of course, no pricing or availability details have yet been divulged, but if you're looking for an average HTPC that can hit the road without taking up too much space, Albatron's got you covered.[Via 64-Bit-Computers]