alien vs predator


  • Capcom/Koch Media

    Capcom Home Arcade includes 16 retro games and dual joysticks

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Following the likes of Nintendo, Sega and PlayStation, a retro console featuring Capcom games is on the way. The Capcom Home Arcade packs in 16 titles, including Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Alien vs. Predator, Final Fight and Ghouls 'n Ghosts, using original arcade ROM files.

  • European PSN releases for February 4

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Hey, look at you, Europe! You finally got your hands on Final Fantasy VIII! Try not to get too jealous about the fact that we've been playing that jam for a couple of months now -- after all, you guys already got Vagrant Story. You jerks. There are tons of other noteworthy items in this week's update, including a demo for Alien Vs. Predator and Battlefield Bad Company 2. You'll also find a few packs of downloadable souls for Dante's Inferno, some of which require real-life money to obtain. Basically, you purchase souls without having to actually play the game. As far as we're concerned, that's straight-up sloth. Choose your platform to view the corresponding release list: (Note: Continue past the break to view both release lists.)

  • Engadget HD destroys Format War Central in AVP challenge

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    As much as we love CES for all the HD gear, we also really enjoy meeting fellow tech bloggers. But as you might expect, there's some friendly competition between us and those who cover the same beat. So to prove that we were the ultimate HD experts once and for all, we challenged Tyler from Format War Central to a friendly game of Alien Vs. Predator's BD Live game. We'll save Tyler from the embarrassment of the final score, but rest assured we killed a lot more aliens.