

  • Breakfast Topic: Great big pointy teefs

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Since I've started doing the Netherwing daily quests, I've discovered a secret. Something that is true about myself, but which I had no idea was true. I want to play a Fel Orc. Because they are freaking insanely monstrous looking. Just take a gander at how evil they look. Look at that maw of gigantic, hideous fangs. He looks like he could rip someone's neck open with one bite. I admit, I'm somewhat susceptible to becoming enamored with these kinds of alternate models ... Back in the days when Tempest Keep was a going concern in raiding, I used to love to disguise myself as a Broken using the Ruse of the Ashtongue. If I could convert my tauren over to a Taunka, I'd probably do it.