
  • Adidas

    Adidas will finally start selling shoes made by its robot factory

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    The robot factory Adidas built in Germany is now fully functional and ready to start making the first Speedfactory shoe that will be sold to the public. Adidas has revealed that it plans to use its Speedfactory's robots to manufacture a series of Adidas Made For (AM4) kicks designed specifically for six of the world's biggest metropolises. The first one called AM4LDN was tailored for London and will be available in the city on October 19th. That will quickly be followed by AM4PAR (Paris) on October 26th, while the other four -- AM4LA (Los Angeles), AM4NYC (New York City), AM4TKY (Tokyo) and AM4SHA (Shanghai) -- will come out in 2018.

  • AMD ships its extra-efficient 7th-generation processors in PCs

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    While Intel is busy revamping its laptop processors, AMD is focused on the desktop side of personal computing. The chip designer has started shipping its 7th-generation A-series processors in desktop PCs, starting with machines from HP and Lenovo. The CPUs are based around as many as four Excavator cores, rather than the coveted Zen cores you've heard about lately, but that should still get you a lot of performance per watt. If you believe AMD, its 35- and 65-watt processors deliver the kind of speed that previously took over 90 watts -- the A12-9800 is about as fast in a general computing benchmark (PCMark) as Intel's Core i5-6500, and roughly twice as fast in graphics (3DMark) if you're relying on integrated video.