

  • Addon Spotlight: Digging up some Archaeology addons

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Archaeology has been subject to some considerable improvements in Mists of Pandaria. For starters, you now get six digs at any one dig site, meaning artifacts complete faster, and leveling the profession is therefore faster. I've also heard of various other improvements that have been applied to Archaeology in Pandaria, but, alas, I have no Archaeologist characters with a sufficient level to do any Archaeology in the new continent. A lot of players have messaged me asking about Archaeology addons, thanks for your emails as ever. Chief among the addon requests are the following: A way to track dig sites and suggest progress between them A way to track progress on artifacts by race A way to track each artifact's fragments A way to see if artifacts can be completed with keystones A way to see which artifacts are still out there, undiscovered or incomplete An addon to replace Biasha's Archaeology Helper I'm going to do my best to deal with all those queries in this week's column.