

  • World of Warcraft community site preview now live

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    A preview of the new World of Warcraft community site is now live. It has several tabs that lead you to a blog, the forums (complete with the latest blue posts), services, and a preview of what the armory will look like when fully implemented, among other things. This is the testing phase and also the prelude to a shutdown of the current forums in favor of the ones on the new community site. The full transfer of forum functionality is scheduled to occur sometime this month. This seems to be a step in the right direction for Blizzard. I really like what I've seen so far. Try putting your character's name in the search field to bring up the armory preview. The search results are in a new format that is easier to search through, in my opinion, as well as a better way to critique yourself at a glance. And the community managers seem to be having a good time with it as well. Note: The Off Topic forums have not been transferred to the community site and there are no plans to do so. Update: Forum bans are also not being transferred to the updated forums. The full text of Blizzard's announcement is after the break.