

  • The Queue: It's always sunny in Azeroth

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome back to The Queue, WoW Insider's daily Q&A column where the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky will be your host today. Today has been a busy day around WoW Insider HQ (we actually have a virtual HQ where we sit around and work with each other; often we are served milk and cookies). So The Queue is coming to you a bit later than normal. We've seen the surprise announcement of BlizzCon 2009 come across our desk today, a good preview of Ulduar, PTR 3.1 testing information, and the opening of the arena tournament registration. Now all we need is the actual PTR to go live. Come on Ghostcrawler... you know you wanna push that live button...Drew M. asked..."Do heals crit?"

  • Shifting Perspectives: Dealing with Crushing Blows

    John Patricelli
    John Patricelli

    Every Tuesday, Shifting Perspectives is supposed to explore issues affecting druids and those who group with them. This week John Patricelli, the Big Bear Butt Blogger, does what no one seems to want, and discusses playing a druid in the game as it is still known, rather than the expansion that is still two months away. Although it is likely Wrath of the Lich King will worm it's way in somehow. I'd like to take a minute to talk about a mechanic that has defined the Feral Druid tanking philosophy, even though you might not know it. I'm talking here about Crushing Blows. A Crushing Blow is an attack made only by NPCs that does 150% of normal attack damage. A Crushing Blow can happen if the NPC you are fighting has a base weapon skill 15 or more points higher than your base defense skill. Base defense skill is the only thing that counts towards the chance of a Crushing Blow; Defense Rating and Expertise are of no help whatsoever. At level 70, if you are fully trained up, your defense and weapon skills should be 350 each. Raid Bosses are level 73. They have 365 weapon skill. That's 15 weapon skill points higher than your possible defense. Do you see the connection, my friends? If you are main tanking a raid boss that is level 73, then you are susceptible to Crushing Blows As you might expect, tanks wish to know how to avoid taking these suddenly massive chunks of damage, if at all possible. You may have heard before that Paladins and Warriors can "push Crushing Blows off the table", but you might not know what that means, exactly. What kind of table is it? A nice mahogany? Teak? Perhaps inlaid parquet? Are they pushed off the table vigorously, so that they clatter all over the floor? You may also have heard that having your attacks Parried by a raid boss can cause BAD THINGS to happen, especially if you can suffer from Crushing Blows. Well, let's talk about this whole thing a little more after the break, shall we?

  • Attack tables and you

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Hello! Math time again. Some of you may know how attack tables work, but many of you, I'm sure, don't. This post in the European official forums contains the clearest explanation of attack tables I've seen, and I'd advise anybody interested in the mathier side of the game to go check it out. Some parts of it are copied into this post, because they are excellent and not everyone can access the official forums. I am also indebted to the ever-excellent WoWWiki."What is an attack table," you ask? Why, it's the method by which WoW decides what's going to happen when a mob or player attacks another mob or player. Is the attack going to miss, be parried, crit, or what? As it turns out, there are seven possible outcomes of a melee attack (six if there are no mobs involved). They are:Miss Dodge Parry Glancing Blow (players against mobs only)Block Critical Hit Crushing Blow (mobs only) Regular Hit