

  • Brew of the Month: Bartlett's Bitter Brew

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    It's November 1st, the start of a new month, which means all of WoW's monthly events and quests have turned over. This includes the Brew of the Month club from Brewfest, and this month's brew is Bartlett's Bitter Brew.After September's Binary Brew and October's Acorn Ale, this month is a little underwhelming. Drinking a bottle of Bitter Brew gives you a debuff called Nauseous. Once the debuff has run its course (or you click it off) your character will spew, and you get the Girded Gut debuff, preventing further barf for 60 seconds. Oh, and you can barf on other people. Um... gross. I think I prefer the squirrels.At least drinking the Brew of the Month still gives you Empty Brew Bottles to smash over your friends' heads. I think that alone was worth the price of subscription.

  • Brew of the Month for October: Autumnal Acorn Ale

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Apparently that 200 tokens I spent on the Brew of the Month club was well spent -- I got my second Brew in the mail this week, and it's a good one. Autumnal Acorn Ale is not only tasty, but it'll make you smell like Autumn Acorns, too. Drinking it will get you drunk and call Woodland Squirrels up to show you a little critter love (or hate). I sipped it for the first time last night during a Slave Pens run, and at one point I had three cute little squirrels showing their affection. Apparently they'll also throw acorns at you, though I missed that in the chaos of the instance last night.Plus, it's an unlimited use item after 3.0.2 (14 day duration, though BotM members can buy more in Ironforge), which means you get as much alcohol as you want, and every time you drink one, you get an "empty brew bottle" to throw with a glassbreak bang. Very fun.If you didn't round up enough tokens to become a BotM member, you're unfortunately out of luck -- I originally thought you could buy the brews in Ironforge even if you weren't subscribed, but no dice, and the brews you get sent are soulbound. You'll have to wait until next Brewfest to sign up for your monthly beer. Can't wait to see what shows up next month!