

  • ESRB reveals Data East arcade collection on Wii and more

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    A bit of a news roundup from the ESRB today. First off, the ratings board revealed a collection of Data East arcade games for Wii, called Data East Arcade Classics, containing Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja (!), Burger Time, Caveman Ninja, Street Slam, Secret Agent, Magical Drop III, and more, published by Majesco. It would appear that Data East (or G-mode, the company that holds the rights to Data East's games) doesn't feel like charging 8 bucks for each game on the Virtual Console Arcade.Other surprises include Crash 'N The Boyz: Street Challenge (which was known as Crash 'N The Boys: Street Challenge on the NES), the Kunio (River City Ransom) sports game, and Tomena Sanner, the intriguingly quirky-looking one-button WiiWare running game from Konami! [Image credit]