

  • iPhone 4 reviews roundup

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Considering that some lucky early adopters got their new phones today and a large flood of preorders is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, it's no surprise that the embargo has fallen and the first enthusiastic reviews of the new iPhone 4 have been posted. The list and links below: David Pogue in the New York Times... "Now, the iPhone is no longer the undisputed king of app phones. In particular, the technically inclined may find greater flexibility and choice among its Android rivals, like the HTC Incredible and Evo. They're more complicated, and their app store not as good, but they're loaded with droolworthy features like turn-by-turn GPS instructions, speech recognition that saves you typing, removable batteries and a choice of cell networks. If what you care about, however, is size and shape, beauty and battery life, polish and pleasure, then the iPhone 4 is calling your name." Josh Topolsky for Engadget... "We're not going to beat around the bush -- in our approximation, the iPhone 4 is the best smartphone on the market right now. The combination of gorgeous new hardware, that amazing display, upgraded cameras, and major improvements to the operating system make this an extremely formidable package. Yes, there are still pain points that we want to see Apple fix, and yes, there are some amazing alternatives to the iPhone 4 out there. But when it comes to the total package -- fit and finish in both software and hardware, performance, app selection, and all of the little details that make a device like this what it is -- we think it's the cream of the current crop."

  • Edward C. Baig: iPad is a winner

    Megan Lavey-Heaton
    Megan Lavey-Heaton

    Edward C. Baig at USA Today is among those at top newspapers who posted their first take on the iPad this evening. His verdict? Definitely a winner. Look out, Nintendo and Sony. Amazon, go cower in the corner with the Kindle. The iPad will be giving all of them a run for their money, Baig says. "At the very least, the iPad will likely drum up mass-market interest in tablet computing in ways that longtime tablet visionary and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates could only dream of," Baig points out. Ouch. Point to Steve Jobs. Baig's review goes through a rundown of the iPad that we're all familiar with -- both its strong points and its faults. But, he points out the magnificent capabilities -- especially when it comes to things such as e-books as he describes the hands-on experience with one particular app that's more like an e-book: "The iPad's splendor and power may be best shown by The Elements: A Visual Exploration. The $13.99 program is more electronic book than traditional app, but it's not like any e-book you've seen. The periodic table of elements comes to life when you touch your finger against any element. Handsome photographs of objects spin around so you can observe them from all vantage points." Read Baig's complete review at USA Today. And see an iPad video review by his co-worker, Jefferson Graham, after the jump.