

  • What content would you like to see in scenarios?

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Recently I was perusing the forums as I am wont to do (I am also wont to use the archaic phrase "wont to do") when I saw a forum thread about bringing back the Wrathgate as a scenario. My first thought was "Eww, no" -- and it's not because I didn't like the Wrathgate or the Battle for Undercity that followed. I did. I greatly enjoyed both the Horde and Alliance versions. No, my reaction was based on the extreme negativity of a vocal minority of the playerbase any time anything gets revamped or reused. After listening to a litany of complaints about the return of ZG and ZA, and the complaining about the return of Wyrmrest Temple and the Eye of Eternity in Dragon Soul, and some of the complaints I've already heard about the changes to Scarlet Monastery and Scholomance, I kind of hope they never revamp old content again. But Vaneras made some good points in his response to the thread. Blizzard is pretty forward-focused right now, but they're not entirely unaware of the idea of returning old content this way. Vaneras - The Wrathgate Scenario We are aware and do acknowledge that there are people would like us to focus some more on renewing old content, but we do indeed want the game to progress and evolve with new content. :-) It has previously been said that adding new content is something we feel is generally more exciting than renewing old content, and this is still true today. Renewing existing content can be great in some situations, especially if it is content that is very popular or if it is content that hasn't been experienced by a large portion of the player-base, but in generally we feel it is better to spend our resources on creating new content that is fresh for everyone. Existing content has been renewed before though, and it is most likely going to happen again in the future in some form. Even though there are no immediate plans for it, perhaps we will one day get to see the Wrathgate and the fight for the Undercity converted into scenarios :-) source

  • Battle for Undercity removed in Cataclysm

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    If you haven't done the extended series of quests in the Dragonblight that lead up to the Wrathgate cinematic yet, first off, I don't understand why. Get up there and do that. However (and more importantly), if you haven't done that quest line all the way to its satisfying, lore-filled conclusion, The Battle For The Undercity, by the time the pre-Cataclysm patch drops, you might not be able to. In response to a forum thread started by Cedrickt on the beta forums, Valnorth stated that the Dragonblight quest line ends at the Wrathgate cinematic on the beta. As yet, there's no further information. We don't know if there's any intention to add in entirely new quests, but I expect not; trying to gibe Garrosh as Warchief with the events of Wrathgate (to which much of his policy toward Sylvanas is a direct response) would be very difficult indeed. Go play it while you can. It's a lot of fun. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will destroy Azeroth as we know it. Nothing will be the same. In's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion. From goblins and worgen to mastery and guild changes, it's all there for your cataclysmic enjoyment.