

  • The 8-bit Time Machine takes game music back to 1985

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Modern game soundtracks are nice thanks to their full orchestras and high-definition sound, and chiptune music can be a fun trip down Nostalgia Lane. While it may seem like you'd have to choose one or the other, you can have your audio-flavored cake and eat it too thanks to "The 8-bit Time Machine," a 10-track album from Italian film composer Giovanni Rotondo that seeks to give listeners 8-bit versions of modern game soundtracks, albeit with a few modern tweaks. Featuring 8-bit interpretations of themes from the likes of Destiny, Super Mario Galaxy, Battlefield 1942, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Watch Dogs as well as two original tracks, the album is currently gathering backers on crowdfunding site indiegogo. As of writing, the campaign has $1,033 raised of its $1,000 goal, with a $1,500 stretch goal to add four tracks. Rotondo is planning to release the album via iTunes, Google Play, Amazon mp3, Pandora and Spotify in January 2015. [Image: Giovanni Rotondo]

  • Battlefield 1942 free on Origin

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Battlefield 1942 is currently free on Electronic Arts' Origin digital distribution system. The gratis download is in celebration of the Battlefield series' 10 year anniversary and Battlefield 3 Premium's 2 million members making bank for the publisher.According to EA, Battlefield 3 has sold over 17 million copies so far. The game's latest expansion, Aftermath, begins its month-long release campaign at the end of the month.%Gallery-168641%

  • Battlefield series on sale today through Origin

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Battlefield franchise, Electronic Arts has deployed a sale for the series on Origin, with each installment available at $10 apiece. That means Battlefield 2 through Battlefield 3 (standard edition), which sounds like it would only be two games, but is actually several, are all the same price.The discount is only available today, so you better oscar mike to Origin if you're interested. Did we "oscar mike" that right? No?! We've learned nothing!

  • The Game Archaeologist and the Kesmai legacy

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Most studios would be overjoyed to have pioneered one significant advancement in video game history, but then again, most studios aren't Kesmai. While it's not a household name today, it's reasonable to say that without the heavy lifting and backbreaking coding that this company shouldered in the '80s and '90s, the MMO genre would've turned out very different indeed. Last week we met two enterprising designers, Kelton Flinn and John Taylor, who recognized that multiplayer was the name of the future and put their careers on the line to see an idea through to completion. That idea was Island of Kesmai, an ancestor of the modern MMO that used crude ASCII graphics and CompuServe's network to provide an interactive, cooperative online roleplaying experience. It wasn't the first MMO, but it was the first one published commercially, and sometimes that makes all the difference. Flinn and Taylor's Kesmai didn't stop with being the first to bring MMOs to the big time, however. Flush with cash and success, Kesmai turned its attention to the next big multiplayer challenge: 3-D graphics and real-time combat. Unlike the fantasy land of Island of Kesmai, this title would take to the skies in aerial dogfighting and prove even more popular than the team's previous project.

  • The Anatomy of WoW: Seven games that inspired Blizzard

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Blizzard is one of the most prestigious and succesful developers in the world for good reason -- it takes the best ideas from all over the industry (even ones that don't quite work right... yet) and refines them, forcing them to succeed in ways they never did before.Millions of people are playing World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King today, so we decided this would be the perfect time to dive into WoW's mechanics and see what other games inspired Blizzard when it was creating this monumental phenomenon. We'll look at seven critical predecessors to which Blizzard paid homage with its own design decisions. Join us and learn a bit more about why WoW is the enthralling experience it is today. Click to start >> %Gallery-36773%

  • Battlefield Heroes brings WW2 action this Summer

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    While there isn't a lot of information on their website, Electronic Arts has announced Battlefield Heroes, an MMO featuring the popular World War 2 milieu. Created by Dice, the team that made Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2, this will be EA's first attempt at a microtransaction- and advertising-based revenue model. Judging by the look of what images do exist on their site, BH's graphics will likely appeal to certain players, but others might be put off by its cartoony style. Its being free-to-play, though, will no doubt make more willing to try it than not. However, after playing in all manner of fantastical, imaginative worlds, with characters of radically vast ranges of appearance and abilities, will people be interested in the thematically-limited (some might say 'pure') WWII genre?[Thanks, Boltar!]