

  • Which battleground might get the axe?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    We talked briefly about the most recent Ask The Devs on PvP in the patch 5.3 PTR, but one thing that came up which merited further discussion was the following quote: Blizzard Question - (Olivnia, Stormscale): A new battleground and arena are planned for patch 5.3. This is really cool, do we have any more plans for battlegrounds and arenas and what can you share about these? Answer - (Systems Design Team): There is nothing new in the pipeline at this time. We may spend some time fixing older ones. We have a lot of data now about which Battlegrounds players are voting out of participating in, so that gives us some direction on which Battlegrounds we could potentially fix . . . or even cut. source The notable part here is the last bit. Cut a battleground? That's new. Not really what anyone expected. So the question is, which battleground might be cut and why?