

  • Faif is a turn-based tile combat game rooted in gambling

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Faif, an interesting puzzle game with RPG and gambling elements, was created by developer Beavl in 12 hours as part of the latest Ludum Dare game jam. The theme for this Ludum Dare was "you only get one." The premise of Faif is simple: You take on an AI opponent in turn-based combat. Each of you chooses five tiles from the grid and the game randomly chooses one of them for you. Land on a heart and your health increases, land on a skull and you take a hit. Swords increase your attack power and gems can be used in the store to buy goods. You can play a beta build of Faif in your browser right now, free of charge – we suggest doing that because the game is a lot of fun. An iOS port is in the works, while an early access version is half-off ($.99) on Android right now. Developer Beavl says it will upload improved versions of the game "almost every week" in the run-up to the full release.