Bellabeat Leaf


  • Bellabeat Leaf activity and health tracker can also monitor reproductive cycle

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    There was a time when "gadgets for women" were silly novelty items or pink-colored, Swarovski-covered versions of existing devices. Well, OK, those still exist, but at least there are now decent gadgets for women with features we actually need, like Bellabeat's Leaf. The Leaf isn't even available yet, but the huge pre-order sales (where Bellabeat earned $1.2 million in revenue) prompted the startup to add a new feature: the capability to track your reproductive health. Leaf will be able to monitor and notify you about your ovulation, contraceptive intake and incoming period, making it a valuable tool for those who want to conceive (and those who don't). A lot of existing apps out there can already do those, of course, but if you're already thinking of getting this device, that's a nice plus.