ben heck


  • Ben Heck creates breath-controlled drum pedal for Guitar Hero World Tour

    Last June, Kinetic Communications created a clever workaround for wheelchair-bound gamers who possess a penchant for Rock Band drumming, but were unable to use the kit's kick pedal due to their disability. Ben Heck, modder extraordinaire, recently did the same for the Guitar Hero: World Tour set -- however, rather than attaching an extra button to drumsticks, Heck found an altogether brilliant method of using the set's foot-activated percussion: He made it breath-controlled.It took a fair amount of fancy engineering, but Heck recently uploaded instructions to his blog that show how to remove the pedal's piezoelectric sensor, and make it respond to air pressure rather than, well, foot pressure. You can get further details on the modification, as well as a video of Heck giving it a test run, on his site. It's definitely an intriguing idea, though it more or less prohibits the drummer from simultaneously singing, making Phil Collins role-playing a near impossibility. Still, great work, Ben![Via Engadget]

    Griffin McElroy
  • Ben Heck fashions breath-controlled kick pedal for Guitar Hero

    Ben Heck's at it again, and this time, he's cobbled together a breath-controlled kick pedal for use with Guitar Hero (or Rock Band, if that's your flavor) meant for people in wheelchairs, or who don't have use of their legs, but still want to get in on the rocking action. After tearing apart the kick pedal to expose its piezoelectric sensor, he mods it so that, rather than reacting to physical pressure, it'll react to air pressure. To get the job done, you'll need some PVC piping, a hot glue gun, and a drill. Hit the read link for full instructions and video of Ben himself testing out the device! [Via Hack a Day]

  • Portable Wii mod renders this Wii portable, modded

    Better keep an eye out, Mr. Heckendorn -- we know that the modding community is pretty cut throat -- just like the Ice Pirates in that movie, uh, Ice Pirates -- and now it looks like there's another young hotshot on the scene. Fifteen year old modista Xteaphn (that's pronounced Steven, folks) has a little sideline going on custom-made portable hardware, with several mods to his name -- including this pint-sized, battery-powered Wii. The thing is tiny -- it's dwarfed by a 13-inch notebook -- and a full charge will give it about an hour of play. Stunning video after the break.

  • Ben Heck crams Xbox 360 controller into Atari 2600 joystick

    As we've seen, a little Atari 2600 is a sure way to liven almost anything -- cakes, candles, landfills -- and it looks like the Xbox 360 is no exception, as none other than Ben Heck has proved with his new so-called 3600 controller. As you might expect, Ben didn't exactly take the expected route to wind up at this creation, instead opting to use the guts of a Guitar Hero 3 controller, which he somehow managed to squeeze into the base of everyone's favorite one-button controller (even leaving room for a guide button and ring of light on the underside). Be sure to hit up the link below for a must-see video of the controller in action and, of course, plenty more pics.[Via Xbox-Scene]

    Donald Melanson
  • N64 goes portable with Nintendo Sixtyfree Lite-R

    This certainly isn't the first time Nintendo's enumerated home console made the jump to the handheld realm -- but it might just be the sleekest portable N64 we've seen to date. SifuF, a disciple of modding guru Ben Heck, recently displayed his terrifying techno-prowess by crafting the Nintendo Sixtyfree Lite-R (catchy, no?), pictured above. It sports all the buttons of a standard N64 controller, a 5" display (yoinked from the PSOne LCD screen), and an unobtrusive cartridge slot. Unfortunately, its petite framework didn't leave room for an internal battery -- it requires an external infolithium (or other 7.2v) power supply to run. A small, small price to pay for on-the-go sessions of Pokémon Snap Ocarina of Time.

    Griffin McElroy
  • Nintendo Sixtyfree Lite-R elegantly crams N64 into a luscious handheld

    Ben Heck's apprentices are showing their true colors again, with modder SifuF churning out a real winner over the holidays. The Nintendo Sixtyfree Lite-R just might be the most elegant portable N64 that we've seen to date, with a clean, low-key design, beautifully integrated buttons and a cartridge slot that's about as non-cumbersome as possible. Of note, there are no internal batteries to speak of, thus it's forced to rely on an InfoLithium (or any 7.2v supply) clipped on the rear. Tap the read link for a pictorial look at the build and final product.[Thanks, Adam]

    Darren Murph
  • Xbox 360 portablized, ruggedized and Ben Heckified into Pelican case

    It seems that our man Benjamin Heckendorn has elevated the laptop Xbox mod into something of an art form. Remember the boxy white model that looked like a way outclassed Toshiba Portege (ca. 1995)? Or how about the sci-fi stylings of the Xbox 360 Elite laptop? If you're looking for something a little more rugged, the newest addition to the menagerie sees the console mounted in a Pelican case. The rest is the usual Ben Heck artistry: 17-inch widescreen LCD, speakers, top loading DVD-ROM, removable hard drive, USB and ethernet ports -- all set in brushed aluminum. And the best part? This isn't a consignment job, so if you're going to be working on an Alaskan pipeline or find yourself shipping out with the military, you might want to consider making an offer. Video after the break.[Thanks, Stagueve]

  • How-To: Build a 'Guitar Hero' foot pedal controller

    Benjamin J. Heckendorn returns from a vision quest of Xbox 360 laptop-building and Jasper-hunting to share a new how-to project with Engadget readers. In this episode, he'll describe how to build one of his Guitar Hero foot pedal controllers, which allows those with physical limitations to play their favorite guitar rhythm games using a foot pedal! Read on for the complete how-to.

  • Ben Heck spots a Jasper in the wild, tears it up

    If you've got a strong stomach, you may want to watch modder extraordinaire Ben Heck tear open a brand new Jasper 360 and then devour it, letting the solder drip down his face like the guts of a downed gazelle. Seriously, it's disturbing stuff.But it's not all for the joy of the kill. Heck also tells you how you can distinguish a Jasper console from its stinky, 90nm GPU-having Falcon brethren. Here's hoping you've got the iron nerve to sift through the carnage to find the details. If you can't hack it, there's an even easier method of finding which console you own courtesy of AnandTech.

    Justin McElroy
  • Inside an Xbox 360 Jasper: Ben Heck dissects the mythical console, then tells you how to find one

    "Gentlemen! I give you... JASPER!" [lightning crackles, thunder sound FX] Ace modder Benjamin J Heckendorn (aka "Benheck") has found -- and immediately dissected -- an Xbox 360 Jasper. As widely reported, it was inside an Arcade unit. In the following story, he not only details what he finds inside, but will also clue you in on how you too can find this model on store shelves. Read on for the exclusive Engadget look at the guts and the glory!

  • Ben Heck outdoes himself with Xbox 360 Portable

    Seriously, how many spare Xbox 360s does Benjamin Heckendorn have laying around? By our count, this is the third instance where the modder extraordinaire has shoved Microsoft's latest console into something that's theoretically playable on one's lap, and obviously, this one is the best one evar. Dubbed the Xbox 360 Portable, the unit is said to weigh almost as much as his sister's cat, and it differs from most other on-the-go 360s by featuring a removable standard Xbox 360 hard drive, two accessible memory card slots, no keyboard (use the chatpad!), an internal WiFi module and beveled edges for extra safety. We'd ask what crazy mod he's planning with all the free time coming up over the holiday break, but honestly, we'd prefer to be surprised.

    Darren Murph
  • Ben Heck apprentice strikes again with DarthCast

    Look out Ben Heck, you don't want to be overcome by one of your own followers, now do you? Merely months after the clearly talented hailrazer churned out a mighty impressive portable Nintendo 64, the guy has done it again by creating an on-the-go Dreamcast -- using the same style of Lazer Doodle shell, to boot. After acquiring another chassis, a Dreamcast, a Quantam controller, PSOne LCD, power supply and some serious battery power, the DarthCast was created. Reportedly, the thing can go for around three hours before puckering out, and you'll know your time is short when it starts sighing heavily in a muffled tone. Check the vid after the break, and pay your respects in the read link, son.

    Darren Murph
  • Darth 64 mega-mod results in portable N64 that breathes funny

    We wouldn't go so far as to say that the apprentice has become the teacher, but over three years after modder extraordinaire Benjamin Heckendorn crafted his very own portable Nintendo 64, along comes one of his dedicated followers with another take on things. The Darth 64 is easily one of the most convoluted console hacks we've ever seen, utilizing bits and pieces from an N64, PSOne, GameCube and a Lazer Doodle. Somehow or another, hailrazer was able to actually make those seemingly unrelated components work together to form a "handheld" N64 console -- one that's battery powered, no less. Tap the read link for lots more construction pics, and don't forget to bow down upon entering.[Via NintendoWiiFanboy]

    Darren Murph
  • Darth 64 shows the appeal of the dark side

    While not as crazy as sticking a Nintendo Entertainment System into a toaster, the above mod (dubbed "Darth 64") from hailrazer at the Ben heck forums is kind of similar. It's comprised of a PSone screen with original backlight, the N64 guts that make it all happen and a Lazer Doodle children's toy. After gutting the thing, hailrazer crammed in a GameCube controller and N64 controller, all while moving some triggers from a PlayStation controller to the back. Nice mod, hailrazer!%Gallery-22424%[Via Go Nintendo] We're always talking about mods here at Wii Fanboy. Be sure to check out 5 of our favorite Wiimote mods, as well as 5 of our favorite Wii mods and 5 of our favorite GameCube mods. Keep up with the modding scene by staying up to date with Wii Fanboy!

    David Hinkle
  • Ben Heck looks under the 60GB Xbox 360's hood

    Tech guru Ben Heck has taken a sledgehammer and hacksaw to the new 60GB Xbox 360 to see what changes have been made inside. What he found was ... well, pretty much the same stuff that's been there for a bit. Sure, there's the bigger hard drive, but the only other main difference seems to be the placement of some (allegedly) heat-tastic memory chips.There may be some other differences for those looking further back into the Xbox 360's past, but it seems like Heck is jumping off from the point where the extra heatsink had been added. If you've got an original Xbox 360 from way back in the day, there may be a few other changes, but all the cool kids have had their RRoD by now and gotten newer Xbox 360 iterations.

  • Hacker stuffs a wired 360 controller in a DualShock 3 shell

    Console modders out there have been doing crazy things with controllers for a while now, and while this latest piece isn't as crazy as the one-handed Access Controller, it's still good for a double-take -- check out this wired 360 controller shoehorned into a DualShock3 shell, complete with green LEDs. THe modder, RDC, says it works great, rumble included, but that there's no headset connector and the L2 and R2 triggers aren't analog -- both things he's hoping to fix in the next version. We'd suggest keeping the DS3 buttons as well -- while the colorful 360 buttons look pretty hot against that black case, we'd rather break this thing out and blow minds stealth-style.[Thanks, Aguiluz]

    Nilay Patel
  • Ben Heck does it again with Atari 7800 portable

    There's no stopping this guy, and now he's built himself an Atari 7800 portable just to make sure the kiddie hackers know who's the Heckendornest. Ben Heck built the 7800 portable with a 7-inch widescreen to accommodate that larger motherboard on the 7800 (compared to the 2600). Apparently large, complex motherboards just don't phase him anymore. The unit boasts rechargeable batteries, a combination driving / paddle controller, and an A/V output jack. Ben, you're a legend.

    Paul Miller
  • BenHeck's one-handed controller available for preorder

    Attention readers! Do you have only one hand? Or, do you find yourself snacking on a sandwich, pizza, and/or a delicious salad whilst playing video games? Behold, BenHeck's infamous one-handed controller mod -- now available for pre-order.The gigantic plate of controller pieces comes fully customizable; each module of buttons can be swapped around to suit your one-handed gaming needs. It also comes with 2.4 GHz wireless, so it's not going to clutter up your floor. What you do with your free hand is up to you. Here are a few applications: eating food, lifting weights, and texting friends. Anybody interested in this surprisingly smart piece of hardware?

    Nick Doerr
  • Ben Heck's one-handed controller now available

    Nothing brings us more pleasure than when a single product can unite both the disabled and the lazy, and that's exactly what your friend and ours Ben Heck has cooked up with his new, commercially available one-handed peripheral: the Access Controller, compatible with PCs, PS2 and PS3. You can now pre-order the unit here.Though the footprint is a bit larger than previous one-handed attempts we have to give him credit, if only for figuring out how to make all the buttons accessible (the layout's even customizable). Now, when can we get our hands hand on a 360 version?

    Justin McElroy
  • Ben Heck and eDimensional's Access Controller for one-handed gamers

    Leave it to Ben Heck to create something that's not only cool, but also good for humanity. We've had our eyes on the Access Controller, and now it has an actual retail channel and final design. The eDimensional Access Controller enables one-handed gaming in a completely modular design. Each control function module can be rearranged based on the gamer's needs -- even the act of rearranging of modules can be done with one hand. Ben, the nice guy that he is, also includes a custom module-creation guide if you're so inclined. The controller is also designed with a concave back to sit comfortably on either a table or leg and uses 2.4GHz wireless. eDimensional is taking preorders now, and the unit is compatible with PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and PC. To top it all off, a portion of the $129.99 you spend will go to Children's Hospital and Veterans Medical centers. We feel all good inside.