

  • [UPDATED] WotLK European Beta invites NOT going out

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Edit: This beta e-mail has been confirmed fake by Nethaera. Sorry for the scare, ladies and gentlemen. You can disregard the rest of this post. A few trusted Alpha testers are just having fun, apparently. That'll teach us! -AlexAccording to, European beta invitations are being sent out at this very moment. This is great news for all of our friends overseas! Please be sure to check your email to see if you've received one.The above photo is from and is an example of an email they have obtained. It would stand that U.S. invites are soon to follow, and that will mean those lucky enough will get to explore new areas of Northrend very soon.Click the image for a high res view.More Wrath of the Lich King information as the night goes on...Edit: I want to share an interesting fact a friend of mine found out during the wait for the U.S. Beta Opt-In to start a few weeks ago. He noticed that the Beta Opt-In accessibility started at 12:00 p.m. (noon) France time for the European servers. He then predicted that they would start in the U.S. at 12:00 p.m. Pacific time. He was correct. European beta invites appear to have started going out at 6:00 a.m. France time, and we can venture a guess as to when U.S. invites may begin: 6:00 a.m. Pacific time. Again, this is only a guess, but a good one.

  • Warhammer's Josh Drescher clears up details on this round of beta invites

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    We previously reported on the erroneous emails from Warhammer Online's Beta Center, asking people who hadn't yet been invited to the beta to update their DxDiag file and consequently getting their hopes up. EA Mythic had already confirmed for these poor sods that they would need to wait for a real beta invite, but associate producer Josh Drescher has offered up a few more details about the situation on his personal site.Drescher states that the receipt of the emails by those not already invited does not mean you have a greater or lesser chance from anyone else of getting in, does not mean that something is good or bad about your computer that will lead to you getting picked or avoided, and it doesn't mean that you've already been picked (although you could be, unrelated to the email).

  • WAR beta invites: now you see em, now you don't

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Some of the approximately 560,706 people who have applied for a coveted spot in the Warhammer Online beta suffered a bit of a jerk-around from the EA Mythic folks this past week. Reportedly, an email went out to many would-be beta testers telling them to update their DxDiag files. Understandably, many players interpreted this as a sign that they had finally been inducted. After all, it was a message from the Warhammer Online Beta Center. Couple that with a message on the Warhammer Herald announcing that a few more beta invites had been sent out and this made for a very optimistic group of fans.Unfortunately, these hopes were soon dashed as players attempted to visit the the beta center and found that their status was still set to "applied" and not "accepted." Apparently emails intended for current beta testers had been sent to a group of applicants by mistake. EA Mythic is asking would-be players to, "Please disregard the email if you are currently not in beta." Easy for them to say, we're sure many eager gamers were stung by that sudden 180.