

  • Cinemassively: The Metanomics Colbert Challenge

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    On April 1st, Philip Rosedale appeared before the Congressional Subcommittee to discuss virtual worlds. Among those testifying was Susan Tenby, whose in-world name is Glitteractica Cookie. Once the Daily Show found out, it was open season for Second Life.After John Stewart mocked poor Glitteractica, Robert Bloomfield, aka Beyers Sellers, had her on his show, Metanomics, on the SL Cable Network. While there, he issued a challenge to the man whom he felt was John's little brother, Stephen Colbert. You'll just have to watch to see the amusing incentives that he offers![Thanks, Beyers!]If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.

  • Special Metanomics session: Linden Lab Upper Management Musical Chairs

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    In the wake of the announcement that Philip Rosedale would be moving up to chairman of the Linden Lab board of directors, and that present chairman Mitch Kapor would be moving to a key (but as-yet-unnamed) role, Cornell University Professor Robert Bloomfield (Beyers Sellers in Second Life) will be hosting a special Metanomics session this Friday at 10:30AM SLT (US Pacific time). The session will feature a one-on-one discussion with Kapor, himself. The topic? Bloomfield offers, "We will talk about his vision for virtual worlds technology and business strategy and, of course, the future of Linden Lab and Second Life." Live coverage of this special edition of Metanomics on Friday, March 28, 2008 from the CMP sim, owned by United Business Media's Think Services division, will be broadcast exclusively on for those who cannot attend in person, or are unable to attend the sim in person.

  • Cinemassively: Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    I've covered the Second Life Cable Network before, but there's so much programming that I wanted to highlight one specific segment. Every week, residents join Paisley Beebe to watch her talk show, Tonight Live. Her previous guests have included sean Voss, Celebrity Trollop, Cylindrian Rutabaga, Filthy Fluno, TheDiva Rockin, and Torley Linden!Last week, Paisley interviewed Beyers Sellers, otherwise known as Robert Bloomfield, who also has a weekly show on SLCN called Metanomics. They discuss why some have called his program "Pretend TV" and also why he started out in SL as a woman. For more information about Tonight Live or to attend in person, you can check out their blog.