

  • The OverAchiever: Mountain O' Mounts from holidays

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Every Thursday, The Overachiever shows you how to work toward those sweet achievement points. This week, we still have yet to meet anyone with the Big Love Rocket. There aren't many mounts available from WoW's annual holidays, but they're a pretty interesting example of how Blizzard's changed content through the years in an attempt to make things -- words fail me -- less annoying. Three of WoW's annual holidays will cough up rides, and your chances of getting them -- with the benefit of the "goody bag" system implemented in patch 3.3.3 -- are much better than they used to be. Long-time players will remember the hell of farming holiday bosses with a bevy of guild alts in order to maximize the number of boss kills per day for all the mains who wanted special drops. Sometimes you got lucky. Sometimes you were everyone else. Also read: Combining The Ambassador and Mountain O' Mounts Mountain O' Mounts in Outland Mountain O' Mounts in Northrend Mountain O' Mounts in 5-man dungeons Mountain O' Mounts in raids Mountain O' Mounts from achievements Mountain O' Mounts from PVP Mountain O' Mounts from professions

  • Breakfast Topic: Did you accomplish your Lovely goals?

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Love is in the Air has come and gone, the Crown Chemical Company has been vanquished for another year, and everyone's Lovely Black Dresses are put away into the closet once more. After a rocky start (most likely because of a delayed patch 4.0.6), Love is in the Air brought about a few changes to the holiday formula, most notably the absence of higher-tier valor points from the Heart-Shaped Box. The holiday's signature mount, the Big Love Rocket, also saw somewhat of a drop in loot percentage, as opposed to the Headless Horseman's mount, which dropped like crazy this past Hallow's End. I had one gripe with Love is in the Air this year: When a Heart-Shaped Box was empty, it was truly empty. In the past, you would get high-tier emblems for participating in the daily dungeon event, no matter whether there was other loot in the box or not. Since the changeover to points, the box remains empty while still crediting the player with said points. The problem is that no one likes to be told "you win nothing." It just feels ... odd to me. I would have very much preferred something in the box rather than nothing, giving me a sense of accomplishment. Rather than give the player a message that essentially boils down to "you lose," I would much rather Blizzard give us the points, maybe five Love Tokens for buying holiday items, and then the random number generated extra loot, if it's in the box that particular time -- that way, there's always a tangible prize in the loot window. I'm not saying Blizzard should up the drop rate of loot, but rather to always have something in the box pertaining to the holiday so we don't get such a depressing message. Did you accomplish your holiday goals this year? Were you one of the lucky few to grab a Big Love Rocket from the holiday dungeon daily? Are your newly rolled goblin and worgen characters well on their way to What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been?

  • Breakfast Topic: Love: Is it actually in the air?

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    The Environmental Protection Agency is issuing a warning to the Eastern Kingdoms, especially the Greater Gilneas/Sepulcher area: Absolutely toxic levels of love are expected to be in the air from Feb. 6 through Feb. 20. That's right, folks -- it's time for another semi-mandatory in-game holiday! The Azerothian holiday Love is in the Air is based on the real world Valentine's Day holiday. There are some similarities, of course -- in Azeroth as in real life, the holiday involves romantic picnics, eating candies, and making very poor decisions while drunk. The activities are far more rewarding in Azeroth, though: Completing these, along with all the other holiday achievements throughout the year, earns you the 50-point What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been meta achievement, complete with a Violet Proto-Drake and free Master Riding. (For more information about completing the Love meta achievement, take a look at Allison Robert's The Overachiever: Guide to Love is in the Air 2011.) How are you planning on spending the two-week-long holiday? Are you going to spend it working on your holiday meta achievement? Are you looking forward to farming Apothecary Hummel for his new ilevel 346 loot? Or maybe you'll just send your in-game sweetheart a Bouquet of Black Roses? As for yours truly, I'll be spending the bulk of my time receiving gifts from my many suitors (hint, hint), flirting with blood elves, riding Big Love Rockets, and spending some quality time with my one true love -- myself. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has destroyed Azeroth as we know it; nothing is the same! In WoW Insider's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion, from leveling up a new goblin or worgen to breaking news and strategies on endgame play.

  • Patch 3.3.3 PTR: Zarhym clarifies new holiday boss mechanics

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    So one of the new changes coming in Patch 3.3.3 is that one will be able queue up using the dungeon finder in order to fight world event bosses such as the Crown Chemical Trio or the Headless Horseman. However, the actual extent of the changes is a bit more involved, as Zarhym clarified in a recent forums post. Here's the rundown:

  • Drop rate of Big Love Rocket not a bug

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Some concerns have been expressed recently over the abysmally low drop rate of the Big Love Rocket. The drop rate was thought to be lower than 1-2% and Bornakk chimed in on the forums to confirm it. I'm not much of a big mount fanatic myself. The only rare one I have is the Obsidian Drake mount from Sartharion with 3 Drakes up. Now that I think about it though, I have yet to see anyone in Dalaran ride around with one of these rockets. As it stands, the drop rate of this rocket mount will not be raised anytime in the near future. Heck, even if they did, I know with my luck I would never see one of these. If you're curious, as of today, there have only been 74 players with the Big Love Rocket Feat of Strength across North America and Europe. North America has seen 17 Big Love Rockets compared to the 54 for European players. if you want to read more about drop chance and probability, check out Brian's post about it back in January. It's guaranteed to make your head spin!