

  • Lake Wintergrasp to probably last about 45 minutes, testing coming soon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Zarhym has broken out some interesting news for big team battleground players -- while Blizzard is generally happy with the way AV is working now, they are looking forward to focusing on tuning Lake Wintergrasp, the new PvP zone in Wrath of the Lich King.Zar says that tuning of the zone will be forthcoming (so beta players should expect to see it soon), and that they're working right now on a way to balance differences in team populations -- since the zone isn't instanced, team numbers may be very different, and they're planning to possibly relax requirements to get certain vehicles and goals for the team with fewer players on it. They're also tuning the expected time limit it would take to conquer the whole zone -- right now, they expect the whole event to take about 45 minutes, and then have a certain length of time in between (when people would have "incentives for visiting the zone" -- like the special vendors in Halaa) before it starts again.Like many players, we can't wait to see what they do with Wintergrasp -- Blizzard is promoting it as the culmination of everything they've learned about World PvP and battlegrounds, so it should definitely be one of the most fun parts of the expansion for battleground fans.

  • Bungie: Ranked BTB still alive in Halo 3

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Late last month, Bungie announced that Ranked Big Team Battle was on its last legs in Halo 3. It was then revealed that Bungie would be removing restrictions and doubling EXP for the playlist for the entire month of June. If the performance -- i.e. the number of regular players -- doesn't increase, the playlist could be removed altogether in July. Good news, Big Team fans, so far it looks like the EXP boost and restriction lift are working. Bungie's Luke Smith announced on the new Bungie Blog that there has been steady growth in the playlist's population. The post doesn't come out and say that the playlist has been saved, but things are definitely looking up.