bigger the better


  • Want to be more productive? Get a 30 inch Apple Cinema Display

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Whenever I go into an Apple Store I quickly locate the 30 inch displays and look at them for awhile. Silently I think, 'One day, oh yes, one day you will be mine.' It seems Apple is encouraging that kind of thing (who would have thought?). Apple commissioned Pfeiffer Consulting, an independent technology consulting firm, to look at the productivity gains that come along with using a big old monitor (specifically a 30 inch Apple Cinema HD Display).Not too surprisingly the study (PDF link) finds that a larger monitor results in a productivity boost across the board. The boost isn't just limited to more artistic pursues, people using mainly productivity apps (like Office) also saw a boost.I wonder if my blogging would benefit from a couple of 30 inch Cinema HD Displays. Where did I put that corporate card?