

  • Raid Reset Issues Continue

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This morning's server restarts, which were intended to fix raid resets, apparently did not solve the problem.  Community manager Eyonix tells us they have managed to identify the problem, however, and are working on implementing a fix that will not require additional playtime interruption.  As much as I disliked the initial change that put all raids on a fixed calendar of resets, I've come to appreciate the predictability of such a system.  Hopefully we'll see a fix soon!Update: All raid IDs on European realms were manually reset today in order  to solve this issue.  Ouch.

  • Raiding After Patch 1.10

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    While you can hardly pass a day without seeing several threads in Blizzard's Raid & Dungeon forums proclaiming "ONYXIA STEALTH BUFFED!", I wonder if this time the posters have a point.  There are numerous new and interesting challenges awaiting the raider in 1.10 and none of them made it into the patch notes.  Are they bugs or features?  We may not know unless we see hotfixes.  Anyone out there see any other odd raid issues happening this patch?