

  • North American players may now update their security questions

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    As an update to the security breach last week, players on North American realms will now be prompted to change their security question and answer when logging in to their accounts. The security breach included no financial information; however, answers to personal security questions were compromised, as well as some information related to Mobile Authenticators. In addition to the security question update, players may now also update their Mobile Authenticators as well. Please note, this is only in regards to North American accounts; players in Europe need to do neither of these things. And remember, if you are a North American player and have not changed the password on your account, doing so is an excellent idea. Nethaera As a precaution following our recent security update, players on North American servers please take a moment to visit account management, where you will be prompted to change your security question as well as update your Mobile Authenticator. There you'll also find helpful tips and an FAQ, as well as instructions on how to add additional layers of security to your account, including the Authenticator or the Mobile Authenticator for those that aren't already using one. source

  • Blizzard security breach, no evidence that financial data was compromised

    Chase Hasbrouck
    Chase Hasbrouck

    Mike Morhaime, the president of Blizzard Entertainment, reported today in a blog post posted on the official Blizzard website that a list of email addresses for users, answers to security questions, and information relating to the Mobile and Dial-in Authenticator program were illegally accessed by outsiders. The security hole has been closed, but Blizzard is officially recommending that all users change their passwords immediately. In the coming days, players will be prompted to automatically change their security questions and update their mobile authenticator software. A FAQ is available here. The full post is below. Mike Morhaime Players and Friends, Even when you are in the business of fun, not every week ends up being fun. This week, our security team found an unauthorized and illegal access into our internal network here at Blizzard. We quickly took steps to close off this access and began working with law enforcement and security experts to investigate what happened. At this time, we've found no evidence that financial information such as credit cards, billing addresses, or real names were compromised. Our investigation is ongoing, but so far nothing suggests that these pieces of information have been accessed. Some data was illegally accessed, including a list of email addresses for global users, outside of China. For players on North American servers (which generally includes players from North America, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia) the answer to the personal security question, and information relating to Mobile and Dial-In Authenticators were also accessed. Based on what we currently know, this information alone is NOT enough for anyone to gain access to accounts. We also know that cryptographically scrambled versions of passwords (not actual passwords) for players on North American servers were taken. We use Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP) to protect these passwords, which is designed to make it extremely difficult to extract the actual password, and also means that each password would have to be deciphered individually. As a precaution, however, we recommend that players on North American servers change their password. Please click this link to change your password. Moreover, if you have used the same or similar passwords for other purposes, you may want to consider changing those passwords as well. In the coming days, we'll be prompting players on North American servers to change their secret questions and answers through an automated process. Additionally, we'll prompt mobile authenticator users to update their authenticator software. As a reminder, phishing emails will ask you for password or login information. Blizzard Entertainment emails will never ask for your password. We deeply regret the inconvenience to all of you and understand you may have questions. Please find additional information here. We take the security of your personal information very seriously, and we are truly sorry that this has happened. Sincerely, Mike Morhaime source