

  • Engadget

    Blow-up dolls, vibrators and the sex robot’s uninspired origins

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    Just a few days before Christmas 2015, I found myself staring down the silicone mouth hole of the "world's first blowjob robot." I'd set out to find the future of sex but quickly realized that: 1) The Autoblow 2+ wasn't a robot at all, and 2) I'd be better off sticking to a grapefruit for simulated fellatio. My encounter with the Autoblow 2+ was both disturbing and fascinating and sparked a 15-month exploration of male sex toys that came to a head in a small sex-robotics R&D lab in Southern California. NSFW Warning: This story may contain links to and descriptions or images of explicit sexual acts.

  • Illustration by D. Thomas Magee

    Robots, VR and the future of male masturbators

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    In my time as a human with a penis, I've penetrated more inanimate objects than I care to admit. NSFW Warning: This story may contain links to and descriptions or images of explicit sexual acts.