

  • Blizzard's Frank Pearce steps up to join AIAS' board of directors

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Blizzard Entertainment has another reason to be proud of its family at holiday parties this year, as lil' Frank Pearce has grown up to join the board of directors at the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. "Look at my boy," Blizzard will sniffle with pride. "We always knew he was going to make something of himself one day!" Pearce was one of the original co-founders of Blizzard back in 1991 and has been a vital part of the studio's operations ever since -- he's overseen development on World of Warcraft among other roles. In joining the AIAS board of directors, Pearce will now extend his influence over the Academy's dealings with its over 22,000 members from various industry leaders. For his part, Pearce thinks the appointment will be a good match for his experience: "I've always appreciated the Academy's commitment to advancing the gaming medium and fostering creativity within our industry. I'm honored to be chosen for this role on the Board, and I look forward to drawing on my experiences at Blizzard to help support and contribute to the AIAS' ongoing mission."