

  • Forum Post of the Day: Are Tanks A Dying Breed?

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    I think we've all been there. Waiting and waiting and waiting for a tank to be LFG so you can get your 5-man underway. Random /tells to every druid in your level range. Plaintive cries in the General channel. Wondering if you should just switch to an alt. Why oh why is it so hard to find a tank for a 5-man these days?A few theories are floating around. They are all PvPing. Or they get snatched up in guild based 5-mans and don't have to resort to pick up groups for their runs. Or they are frustrated with getting stuck with big repair bills and groupmates that don't understand the basics of managing their own aggro.What do you think? Do you find it hard to get a tank into a pick up group? Are you more willing to put up with a poor tank just to get the 5-man together? Shouldn't there be more tanks available since the tanking enhancements that druids and paladins received in the expansion? Or is this just more crying by players who need to make more friends in-game?

  • Breakfast topic: Neatest land mount

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Land mounts may seem painfully antiquated, now that we're all soaring around on our gryphons or wyverns or netherdrakes. But there's still a ton of them around, and you need something to look cool on while standing AFK in Ironforge. Dudeydude (sigh) of Llane asks the forums: what's the coolest land mount? (A full list can be found here.) Of all the normal racial mounts, my favorites are the troll raptors and the gnome mechanostriders. Raptors just because they look cool and come in bright colors, and mechanostriders because they're ... mechanical! They fit so well with gnomes, and the black one looks really neat. For the rare drop mounts, my old favorite is the Zul'Gurub tiger. A tank I know has one of these, and I was always impressed with the big orc in full Tier 2 (back when that was cool) sitting on the tiger. Midnight, who drops from Attumen in Karazhan, is also neat-looking, but the sheer number of horse-type mounts in WoW means I still like the tiger better. What do you think is the coolest land mount? What about the worst? In an ideal world, what mount would you ride?

  • Breakfast topic: WOW plus other games

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Recently, I've been playing a lot of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. This in itself is not surprising -- I picked the game up a year or so ago, became overwhelmed at the options, and then finally came back to it when I had a lot of spare time. I'm enjoying it, but it's beginning to mess with my WOW skills. Two fantasy-based RPGs do not always work well in sync. I've been pressing Ctrl to stealth, E to jump, and trying to hit C to cast spells. This leads to a lot of strafing and bringing up the character screen in combat. Oblivion has also left me with a marked aversion to clicking on anything or fighting in a city, despite most of WOW's guards being so clueless they couldn't recognize it if I stole their armor off of them. I've had this problem before, with Diablo when I first got into WOW ("I keep clicking, why isn't my sword swinging any faster?") and Knights of the Old Republic ("So I don't get punished for doing morally incorrect quests?") Have you ever confused the mechanics of WOW and another game you were playing at the time?

  • Breakfast Topic: Gambling with prospecting?

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    The other day I got a message in-game from Sigrdrifa. He mentioned that he had been spending the day spamming the trade channel offering his services prospecting ore. In his advertisement he stated that he could virtually guarantee a blue gem from each stack of Adamantite ore. Some players mentioned that this could never be a guarantee and so in a way he was gambling with other people's ore. Now, I'm not exactly sure if we could call this a game of three ore monty, after all he is saying that on average he receives a blue gem with every stack of ore. But it brings up an interesting idea. If there are possibilities of failure with prospecting, can you ask for tips for such a service? And if there is a gamble, could there by extension be a bet on such a risk? I don't know if this sort of thing is frowned upon by the devs or not, but I would definitely be curious to see how a betting system would work within the game. Not with actual money, but rather with virtual gold. Is prospecting more gambling than not? And if there are assumed risks in the game we deal with, would you ever consider betting on them?

  • Breakfast Topic: WoW outside of WoW

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you're reading this site, I'm guessing that you spend at least some time during the week playing the game World of Warcraft, amirite? But I'm specifically not asking about the time you spend in-game -- but the time out of it. How many times do you spend away from your computer talking to friends about how you leveled last night or the awesome new piece of loot that dropped for you in Karazhan? For my part, since my best friend recently decided to give in to the addiction (read: fun!) that is World of Warcraft, we rarely have a conversation that doesn't include references to the game. To the puzzlement of our non-playing friends, we'll have detailed conversations full of game references and in-jokes. So I ask you, dear readers, has the World of Warcraft crept into not only your virtual, but also your real life? Have you turned your homework into a series of reputation-grinding quests and do ordinary pieces of punctuation hold new and interesting meaning to you?[Image courtesy of Tom, who sent it in to Around Azeroth describing this New Jersey quest-giver.]

  • Breakfast Topic: Where will you take your orphan?

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Children's Week has officially begun, and the world is overrun by small fry of all varieties. The quests ask you to play tour guide with your little charge, showing them the magnificent sights of around Azeroth and Outland. They ask to see the races at Shimmering Flats, and to bask in the glow of the naaru in Exodar. But where else will you take your orphan? Last year I recall running UBRS with an orphan, remember hearing of orphans summoned to defeat Ragnaros. I wonder, what plans do you have to extend your orphan's education of the lands? What is the most unusual place you have seen an orphan since they began Children's Week two years ago?

  • Breakfast Topic: How did you learn to PvP?

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    I fell in love with the Gladiator's War Staff as soon as I saw it, in all its shiny, spinning glory. And thus with a hopeful heart I joined a 2v2 arena team, eager to get my PvP on. Only, what I thought was PvP, that limited experience I had getting to the rank of Knight mostly in Alterac Valley, turns out not to be enough. I don't want to put my partner out, especially since they are so patient with me. Plus I really, really want that staff. And so I put it to you readers, to the great PvP masters out there. How did you learn to PvP?

  • Breakfast topic: Roleplaying

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    We don't do a whole lot with roleplaying here at WOW Insider. As far as I know, none of us has mains on an RP server, and it can be a tough thing to get into from a non-RP background. There seem to be few happy mediums between "You must be in character and follow all rules at ALL TIMES or you will be gkicked" and "RP is for sissy nerds who want to cyber with gnomes." (I never understood why non-RP players constantly make fun of RP players for being geeks. Is there a non-geeky way to pretend to be an elf for hours each week?) But having dabbled a bit on RP-PVP servers, I can see the attraction. Even without RPing in general chat, players on RP servers seem to be a little friendlier and more likely to spell correctly. And RP allows you to get a little more depth from the game than is offered by the quest text. It adds a whole new dimension to WoW, beyond simply raiding for phat lootz or PVPing to fulfill your bloodlust. Even though my blood elf paladin isn't on a RP server, I've thought a little bit about my motivations for playing her. I play my paladin as a good guy -- healing the sick, protecting my teammates, even helping injured Alliance. How can I reconcile that with draining the Light from a Naaru? Well, I find the Naaru sickeningly good, and I really like the current theory going around that the Naaru are actually evil beings setting us up for a fall, so I sort of transferred that to my character. Since the Naaru are bastards, it's totally cool to drain the Light from them, and my pally is still good. What do you think about roleplaying? If you play on an RP server, do you have a background for your character, or are you just there to enjoy the sights? Why do you RP (or why do you choose not to?)

  • Breakfast topic: Rescue me

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Okay, I'll admit I saw this picture first and came up with this breakfast topic just so I could use it. In WoW, we often come across people in need. Maybe it's a lowbie being corpse-camped by a higher-level opponent, or a healer being beaten on by hard-hitting mobs, or even a member of the opposite faction who's pulled more than they can handle. And then you come riding by on your mount and have to make a choice -- stop and help, or watch them die? As an inveterate softie and rescuer of small animals, I almost always help. In the past few days, I've tried to escort a level 20 night elf who was lost in Feralas for some reason (actually, he got scared of me and ran off a cliff and died), assisted a team of Alliance in beating down some Incendosaurs, and of course helped any members of the Horde who were under attack by the Allies. I also enjoy going into lowbie areas and aiding with elite quests that I know are a complete pain to find a group for, and there's a shammie on my server who gets his kicks from hanging around the Ring of Blood and helping groups there. Why stop and help? Well, there's karma to worry about. What goes around comes around. If I'm nice to people, then they'll remember and will help me in the future (or at least not gank me.) Plus, I get that nice feeling of moral superiority that comes from being good. My help isn't unconditional, though -- if you yell at me, have previously been identified as a tool, or have a name like "Deeznuts", I'm going to let you die and probably spit on your grave. I've also noticed that people keep trying to come along and "save" me from the three or more mobs on me, which, as a prot pally, I can handle perfectly well. Do you help people in trouble, or do you let them handle it themselves? What about the opposite faction? How far have you gone to help a comrade?

  • Breakfast topic: Murphy's laws of WoW

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Murphy's laws, the famous batch of cynical sayings about life, can be modified to fit almost every situation. So it's no surprise that someone has rewritten them for WoW.