bud tribble


  • Tim Cook talks product secrecy, sapphire glass, Macs and iRings on Good Morning America

    Yoni Heisler
    Yoni Heisler

    Set your DVR, folks. If you tune in to ABC News tonight you'll be treated to an interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook, and executives Craig Federighi and Bud Tribble. Now it's not often that we see the upper ranks at Apple sit down for interviews, and televised ones at that, but today marks the 30th anniversary of the Mac and Apple is in full-on celebratory mode. Earlier today, Good Morning America aired a short preview of the full-length interview where we see a laid-back Cook briefly talk about product secrecy and Apple's new sapphire plant in Arizona. At one point, he even deflects a question about the iWatch by saying Apple is actually working on an iRing (which if you recall, may be the dumbest Apple rumor of all time). You can check out the video below. See more US News from ABC|World News Some additional highlights from the video: A self-professed workaholic, Cook gets up every morning at 3:45 He gets about 700-800 emails a day, and reads the majority of them The full-length interview, set to air tonight on World News with Diane Sawyer promises to touch on a few more topics and provide a lot more depth, including Cook's take on the recent NSA controversy.