

  • Burning Crusade $25 at Amazon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    PacoDG sent us a quick tip (thanks!) to point out that if for some unfathomable reason you haven't purchased it yet, the Burning Crusade expansion is now available for $25 with free shipping on Amazon.com. This is the absolute cheapest we've seen it, so if you're planning to at least pick this one up before the next expansion is announced (and we're all hoping and praying that's at Blizzcon), now's your chance.Does anyone out there have a level 60 and has not bought this expansion yet? I can understand if all your characters are below level 40, but what's the reason for your staying at 60 for so long? Do you just love hanging around the Burning Steppes?

  • Phat Loot Phriday: Smoulderweb Hatchling

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Technically today's item is called the "Smolderweb Carrier." But this item is most useful not for what it is, but for what it summons-- one of the best coolness factor-to-effort noncombat pets in the game.Name: Smolderweb CarrierType: Noncombat PetDamage/Speed: N/AAbilities: Truthfully, there ain't much to this thing. It doesn't grant any abilities, it doesn't affect your playing style. All it does is summon a little spider that follows you around, from Menethil to Molten Core. On the other hand, it summons a little spider that follows you around, and that's pretty cool. You could even name him if you wanted to! I call mine Peter Parker. How to Get It: But the reason why this noncombat pet is so phat is the relatively small amount of effort involved to get it. For most cool noncombat pets, you've got to pay money, or gold, or be really lucky on a drop, or have bought the collector's edition. To get this one, though, all you have to do is a quest: "En-Ay-Es-Tee-Why," given by Kibler in the Burning Steppes. It requires you to go into Lower Blackrock Spire, and crack open a few spider eggs there. It's not hard at all if you've got a careful party-- you'll need to clear out lots of spiders first, and then opening each egg gives a chance of more spiders, but with enough AoE and healing you'll be dandy. Run your spider eggs back to Kibler and you've got this baby.In fact, Kibler also gives "Kibler's Exotic Pets," which is another easy-to-do LBRS quest that will give you your very own Worg Pup, another cool looking noncombat pet. Personally I like the spider better, but considering how easy the quests are, there's no reason to have both. And if you're a druid or a rogue, Dianius on Terenas-EU has written up a comprehensive guide to how to do both quests solo using stealth. It's got pictures and everything (and check out the last picture on the page of all his pets!).Getting Rid of It: Peter Parker sells for 15s to vendors. But you know what happens when you sell your spider pet, right? Let's just say your spider ends up in noncombat pet heaven.